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Muhammad Yasir Rafique
Muhammad Yasir Rafique

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Node.js Memory Leaks: A Guide to Detection and Resolution

Here's something I've learned after working with scalable backend systems that serve hundreds of thousands of users at Find My Facility and Helply: memory management is the secret sauce that takes applications from zero to hero in terms of performance and stability.

It's important to realize that memory leaks aren't just an inconvenience but a critical business concern. Intermittent performance degradation during peak usage was the most common issue facing the team when I first joined Find My Facility, and it wasn't for a while until we discovered that memory leaks were the culprit. Operational costs ballooned and user experience plummeted as memory leaks degraded app performance over time.

In this article, I'd like to share some of my tested practical tips in dealing with Node.js memory leaks to help you avoid common pitfalls as you ship your next app.

The Developer's Toolkit for Memory Leak Detection

Chrome DevTools and Heap Snapshots

For heap analysis, Chrome DevTools remains an accessible and versatile solution that I default to. Here's what my general process looks like:

// First, start your Node.js application with the inspect flag
node --inspect your-app.js
// Then, in your application code, you can add markers for heap snapshots
console.log('Heap snapshot marker: Before user registration');
// ... user registration code ...
console.log('Heap snapshot marker: After user registration');

I generally take three snapshots:

  1. After application initialization
  2. After performing certain operations
  3. After garbage collection

After comparing these snapshots, memory retention patterns become evident.

Event Listener Management

At Helply, we undertook a massive event listener cleanup to reduce memory usage by 30%. Here's how:

`class NotificationService {
constructor() {
this.listeners = new Map();
subscribe(eventName, callback) {
// Track listener count before adding
const beforeCount = this.getListenerCount(eventName);

// Add new listener
this.emitter.on(eventName, callback);
this.listeners.set(callback, eventName);

// Log if listener count seems suspicious
const afterCount = this.getListenerCount(eventName);
if (afterCount > beforeCount + 1) {
  console.warn(`Possible listener leak detected for ${eventName}`);
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unsubscribe(callback) {
const eventName = this.listeners.get(callback);
if (eventName) {
this.emitter.removeListener(eventName, callback);
getListenerCount(eventName) {
return this.emitter.listenerCount(eventName);

Global Variable Management

I've discovered the importance of appropriate variable scoping when working for Signator. Here's how I made sure my applications avoid global leakage of variables:

// Bad - Global variables
let userCache = {};
let requestQueue = [];
// Good - Encapsulated module
class UserService {
constructor() {
this._cache = new Map();
this._maxCacheSize = 1000;
addToCache(userId, userData) {
if (this._cache.size >= this._maxCacheSize) {
const oldestKey = this._cache.keys().next().value;
this._cache.set(userId, userData);

Garbage Collection Monitoring

Another process I've implemented in our applications is deep garbage collection monitoring using gc-stats:

const gcStats = require('gc-stats')();
gcStats.on('stats', (stats) => {
const metrics = {
type: stats.gctype,
duration: stats.pause,
heapBefore: stats.before.totalHeapSize,
heapAfter: stats.after.totalHeapSize
// Alert if GC is taking too long
if (stats.pause > 100) {
console.warn('Long GC pause detected:', metrics);
// Track memory trends
function monitorMemoryTrends(metrics) {
// Keep a rolling window of GC metrics
const gcHistory = [];
if (gcHistory.length > 10) {
// Analyze trends
const increasingHeap = gcHistory.every((m, i) =>
i === 0 || m.heapAfter >= gcHistory[i-1].heapAfter
if (increasingHeap) {
console.warn('Potential memory leak: heap size consistently increasing');

Closures and Callbacks Management

I think the most challenging source of memory leaks to tackle, in my experience, is bad closure. I've developed this pattern to help avoid closure-based memory leaks:

class DataProcessor {
constructor() {
this.heavyData = new Array(1000000).fill('x');
// Bad - Closure retains reference to heavyData
badProcess(items) {
items.forEach(item => {
setTimeout(() => {
// this.heavyData is retained in closure
this.processWithHeavyData(item, this.heavyData);
}, 1000);
// Good - Copy only needed data into closure
goodProcess(items) {
const necessaryData = this.heavyData.slice(0, 10);
items.forEach(item => {
setTimeout(() => {
// Only small subset of data is retained
this.processWithHeavyData(item, necessaryData);
}, 1000);

Advanced Memory Profiling

I've applied the following comprehensive memory profiling pattern at Find My Facility using V8 Inspector:

`const inspector = require('inspector');
const fs = require('fs');
const session = new inspector.Session();

class MemoryProfiler {
constructor() {
this.session = new inspector.Session();

async startProfiling(duration = 30000) {'HeapProfiler.enable');

// Start collecting profile'HeapProfiler.startSampling');

// Wait for specified duration
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, duration));

// Stop and get profile
const profile = await new Promise((resolve) => {'HeapProfiler.stopSampling', (err, {profile}) => {

// Save profile for analysis
fs.writeFileSync('memory-profile.heapprofile', JSON.stringify(profile));'HeapProfiler.disable');
return profile;
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Preventing Memory Leaks: My Best Practices

I've developed a set of essential practices that help keep applications running efficiently.

For memory management, I've come to realize that regular memory usage audits are key. Scheduling weekly automated heap snapshots gives me a good foundation for understanding memory management trends over time. Another important thing is to set up memory spike monitoring and alerts, which helps proactively fix issues before the users notice. This is especially critical during deployments.

Next focus area of mine is code reviews, during which I make sure to pay close attention to proper event listener cleanup to help combat unnecessary memory retention. Code reviews are another important focus area. During these, I pay close attention to ensuring that event listeners are properly cleaned up, which prevents unnecessary memory retention. Then I make sure that closures and variable scopes are efficiently handled and that cache processes are validated to reduce unintended memory usage.

Finally, when it comes to production monitoring, I find it essential to collect detailed memory metrics. Memory usage-based auto scaling can help handle unexpected load, plus this helps keep a historical record of issues to help spot long-term patterns.


Node.js memory leaks are annoying, cumbersome and difficult to deal with, but appropriate tools and best practices I've just shared make them manageable. Memory management is a process that requires continuous monitoring and proactive maintenance, so you can avoid problems before they strike your users. This is how we've maintained high performance and system reliability at Find My Facility: through relentless optimization and monitoring.

Feel free to contact me if you need more examples or if you want me to answer specific questions about using these tips in your Node.js app.

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Top comments (7)

jony_bolk_1d7c5c7042f17ac profile image
jony bolk

The use of heap snapshots at various stages is a smart way to pinpoint memory retention issues. Your practical examples, like handling event listeners, make this a super useful read. Thanks for sharing!

__1df8f141c1 profile image
София Макарова
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nozibul_islam_113b1d5334f profile image
Nozibul Islam

great, thank you for sharing.

__1df8f141c1 profile image
София Макарова

This guide covers the basics of memory management in Node.js but could go deeper into some areas. FThis guide covers the basics of memory management in Node.js but could go deeper into some areas.

__1df8f141c1 profile image
София Макарова
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payel_roy_89ac1a67db71393 profile image
Payel Roy

Very helpful guide! The section on closures and memory leaks gave me a new perspective—especially on how to avoid retaining unnecessary data in callbacks. Appreciate the clear examples!

aseelab profile image


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