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Partha Maity
Partha Maity

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What exactly is HTML and Why it is called so?

So basically, HTML is a standard markup language for documents designed to be displayed in a web browser(Webpage).

Then, What is a markup language??

Let's understand it through a simple example,

Suppose I asked🙏 you to send your favorite color and your pet's name, and this is what you responded with -

Your Response

Looking at the same, I got confused😕 about which of them is what??
So this time, I asked you for the same but with more precision...
and this is what I have got -

Your Final Response

Finally! A clear response😌...

So what you did the second time is what the job of markup language is...
We mark the text in a document to tell the Web browser what exactly is that text about
and in HTML, to mark those texts we use something called HTML Tags

For example -

Alt Text

The above code tells the Web browser that Mumbai, India is an address

and this is why,
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language


When HTML was first developed, they came up with the concept of hyperlinks through which a user can jump from one webpage to another and it was so revolutionary that they named the language after it.
and HyperText is just another name for hyperlinks

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