In a previous post, I explained that the default PgBench workload is not scalable, with all sessions updating the same row, and how to solve it:

Avoiding hotspots in pgbench on PostgreSQL or YugabyteDB
Franck Pachot for YugabyteDB ・ Mar 10 '22
This table row is a hotspot in a distributed database. In the following article, I demonstrate how to detect hotspots in YugabyteDB using Active Session History.
I launch a single-node YugabyteDB cluster with my Active Session History dashboard, using my experimental docker-compose:
git clone
cd yb-perf-hub
# Start a RF1 cluster
docker compose -f docker-compose-startyb.yaml up -d yugabytedb --scale yugabytedb=1 --no-recreate
# Start Grafana dashboard to connect to it
sed -e '$a'"ip_of_yugabytedb_database=$(docker compose -f docker-compose-startyb.yaml exec yugabytedb hostname -i)" .env > .lab.env
docker compose --env-file=.lab.env up -d
I initialize PgBench and run the default workload from ten clients:
docker compose -f docker-compose-startyb.yaml run -e PGPASSWORD=yugabyte yugabytedb /home/yugabyte/postgres/bin/ysql_bench -h yb-perf-hub-yugabytedb-1 -i
docker compose -f docker-compose-startyb.yaml run -e PGPASSWORD=yugabyte yugabytedb /home/yugabyte/postgres/bin/ysql_bench -h yb-perf-hub-yugabytedb-1 -n -c 10 -T 3600 -P 5 --max-tries 100
Here is what I can see from my Grafana dashboard, all based on yb_active_session_history
, pg_stat_statements
, and yb_local_tablets
YSQL: Query Processing
TServer: Conflicting Transactions
Statements: UPDATE tellers
Tablets: tellers
The dashboard shows different dimensions separately: wait events, statements, and tablets. However, Active Session History can do better because it links all of them in each sample. In the following query, the samples are grouped based on these dimensions to identify hotspots with comprehensive information:
docker compose -f docker-compose-startyb.yaml run -e PGPASSWORD=yugabyte yugabytedb ysqlsh -h yb-perf-hub-yugabytedb-1 -xc "
select sum(sample_weight),
wait_event_component, wait_event_type, wait_event, wait_event_class, client_node_ip, query, table_type, namespace_name, ysql_schema_name, table_name, partition_key_start, partition_key_end
from yb_active_session_history as h
natural left outer join (
select queryid as query_id,
query from pg_stat_statements
) as statements
natural left outer join (
select substr(tablet_id,1,15) as wait_event_aux,
table_type, namespace_name, ysql_schema_name, table_name, partition_key_start, partition_key_end from yb_local_tablets
) as tablets
group by
wait_event_component, wait_event_type, wait_event, wait_event_class, client_node_ip, query, table_type, namespace_name, ysql_schema_name, table_name, partition_key_start, partition_key_end
order by sum(sample_weight) desc fetch first 1 rows only
Here is the sample with the highest count:
-[ RECORD 1 ]--------+----------------------------------------------------------------------
sum | 12779
wait_event_component | TServer
wait_event_type | WaitOnCondition
wait_event | ConflictResolution_WaitOnConflictingTxns
wait_event_class | TabletWait
client_node_ip |
query | UPDATE ysql_bench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + $1 WHERE tid = $2
table_type | YSQL
namespace_name | yugabyte
ysql_schema_name | public
table_name | ysql_bench_tellers
partition_key_start |
partition_key_end |
All the information is there. The hotspot is on ysql_bench_tellers
(with no partition key start/end because I have a single tablet here), waiting on ConflictResolution_WaitOnConflictingTxns
in the tablet server when executing UPDATE ysql_bench_tellers
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