DEV Community

What would you like to learn in 2020?

🦁 Yvonnick FRIN on January 01, 2020

As developers we have to learn new things on a daily basis. It is a being a while since I want to learn something not related to my current work. I...
iggy_code profile image
Ignatius Sani

I want to perfect React this year, I just started this Dec

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I use React for 4 years. It is a really nice framework. It helped me a lot to better understand JavaScript in general.

iggy_code profile image
Ignatius Sani

Wow... You could help me with recommendations

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yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

The official tutorial seems great to get key features of the framework. Then I recommend focusing on React Hooks which is a real game changer. You can find a lot of great resources on awesome-react. Oh last thing, you can follow Dan Abramov and Kent C. Dodds on Twitter. They create and share a lot of content around React 👍

Hope it will help!

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iggy_code profile image
Ignatius Sani

Thanks so much, this is more than just a help

mykulyak profile image
Andriy Mykulyak

If I would have to choose only one thing, it would be a skill of good writing.

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

Nice goal, I started writing this summer. Definitely something that helped evolving in my career 😄. I read this article about technical writing. It was really helpful when I began 👍

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Then write your first post :)

steeve profile image
  • Learn and migrate my projects to Vue 3 (new release coming soon)
  • Manage my servers through the reverse proxy Traefik (and maybe with Kubernetes to manage scaling... 🤔)
  • Create a website with the Hugo framework
  • Something a little bit different from my habits: Learn Adobe Illustrator to create Icons and SVG graphics then animate the latter with GreenSock
yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I'm really interested in learning AI too! I already know Photoshop it helps me designing my websites 😄

princealarming profile image

@yvonnickfrin Hmmm, currently in a self taught coding bootcamp. I brushed up my HTML, am learning CSS 3 and decided to take a 30DaysOfJavaScript(am expanding on my limited and outdated knowledge of it - js 1 - 1.2). I'd like to get a good working knowledge of Node.js!

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN • Edited

I love Node.js ❤️. It is useful for a lot of things. I love making CLIs with it. I wrote article for beginners that want to create their first CLI with Node.js.

partha2000 profile image
Partha Prateem Patra

2020 would be great to get started wih ReactJs oweing to its growing popularity

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich • Edited

My advice is to not learn things based on popularity but instead find something that greatly advances your understanding of how JavaScript works or think about how you’d tackle common problems solved in JS frameworks and code your own UI library, this way you have a much better understanding of why JS frameworks are architected the way they are.

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

Nice advice but I think React is a good start to understand modern frameworks. Its documentation is well written. The community is huge you won't have difficulties to find help or good articles to learn it. If you don't know awesome repositories (they are curated list of resources for a specific technology) here is the one for React.

emma profile image
Emma Goto 🍙

If you want to be ahead of the curve, seems like Svelte is starting to pick up in popularity.

steveblue profile image
Stephen Belovarich


yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I still have difficulties to figure out for what I could use it! Any clue?

agilitycms_76 profile image
Agility CMS

We list a few reasons on how to WebAssembly in this recent article! Check it out

saint4eva profile image

To learn C# and.NET further.

nickholmesde profile image
Nick Holmes

Just from the fun/personal enjoyment side of coding, I'm will try to find some time dig deeper into Max/MSP and learn more about digital signal processing, specifically in relation to audio processing, synthesis, and generative music.

On the work side, there is lots to do in ML and computer vision. I'll be keeping an eye on how WebAssembly adoption progresses (and hope for an opportunity to use Blazor).

Finally, perhaps less about learning and more about application (though, so much is learnt by doing anyway); Functional programming software architectures for enterprise applications.

dinakar profile image

My goals for 2020:

1) Microservices
2) Spring boot with spring security

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

For microservices, I have found something that seems promising
Micronaut + Google Cloud Run + Kotlin

Ideally leveraging GraalVM

dinakar profile image

Thanks Jean for sharing ..
Extremely interesting.
Will give it a try for sure

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

After I catch up in all I have to, I would like to get started with mobile development

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I'm more into web and PWA seems a good alternative to native. What attracts you to mobile development?

pachicodes profile image
Pachi 🥑

I don't know, just the fact that we are on our phones the time and there are so many app possibilities out there!
But first I want to feel more confident with my web dev skills

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yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

Good point!

iamsahithyan profile image

Get a smartphone and learn React Native.

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

Good luck 👍

rebaiahmed profile image
Ahmed Rebai

Graphql, Redux, Ngrx , Aws, Serverless

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I learned GraphQL this year. It is something that really changed the way I develop frontend apps!

kelvinblaze profile image
Ifeanyi Kelvin Ossai

I want to perfect Vue and Learn Node Js this year.

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I bet you will love Node.js 👍

toddha profile image
Todd Ha
  • I wanna learn backend language like GO, Spring Boot with Kotlin and AWS.
johnmunroengica profile image
John Munro

DevOps is a big key for me along with .Net Core

Plus maybe React or Angular

Been coding in JavaScript/TypeScript/C# for a long time, but never picked a JavaScript framework to develop with.

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I recommend React but you seems to like Typescript so Angular looks like a good choice for you since it uses it by default 👍

asdfsd profile image

I want to learn more about Unity DOTS and Cryengine this year.

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

Always dreamed to learn developing video games 😮

theoriginalbpc profile image
Sarah Dye

Ruby on Rails

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN is made in ruby. Contributing to the website could be a good exercise 👌

selceeus profile image
Matt Andrews

More React
Machine learning with Javascript
So many things!

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

Accessibility is something really important! I recommend following Marcy Sutton who works for Gatsby and is really involved in this subject. She also work on axe-core an accessibility engine to test website and apps 👐

selceeus profile image
Matt Andrews

Thanks for the info!

ngacho profile image


Two years ago, I started learning python but stopped because I felt discouraged. This is the year when I want to have that Midas Touch in my hands

yvonnickfrin profile image
🦁 Yvonnick FRIN

I didn't choose which language to learn yet. Python seems a good choice by the way!

armideonokawa profile image

Learn Python

codehrafn profile image

I want to learn react this year!

silampawar profile image

Here is my list:

  1. GraphQL
  2. Data structures
  3. Algorithms
  4. And hack the hackerank tests. :)

Already on top of GraphQL.

agilitycms_76 profile image
Agility CMS • Edited

Check out our article on how Gatsby is a great way to learn React!