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The Everyday Life of an HNG Intern; Isaac Ojerumu’s Story

Task 9
Stage 9 is what I would love to call judgment day.😂 This was the stage in which the fate of interns that made it this far was determined. It was during this stage that groups got to see the result of their accumulated labour in building projects.
The ninth and final task of the HNG internship was for the groups that interns were shared into in stage 3 to carry out a thorough check and review of the projects that they built. Team Axle, Isaac's team, carried out a detailed review of their project; The Engineering 360. After reviewing, the errors that were found were corrected, necessary addition and omission were made and a final test run of the project, an app, was carried out.
After rounding up with the test, Team Axle made a demo of the app and forwarded it to their mentors for scrutiny and assessment. Interns whose projects were deemed effective enough were declared finalists.
Yes, after seven weeks and three days; 52 days of hard work, determination, perseverance, and teamwork, interns that proved to be effective, efficient, and hardworking received the fruits of their labour. The reason why developers like Isaac joined this internship has finally been fulfilled.
Finalists were congratulated for a job well done. Offers were presented to them as a reward for their hard work and diligence;

  1. Merging all products built in the course of the internship together as a single company and making finalists co-owners of it.
  2. A paid-internship opportunity at This offer was exclusive to PHP and Python developers.
  3. Returning to one's life before the internship. Funny, right?

Finalists were also made members of the HNG Network. This gives them access to amazing opportunities in their Tech career.
Dear reader, it's the final stage of the internship.🥳 This is me saying a big thank you to you for sticking with me on this. Although it's the last stage, this is not the final episode of my series. I will be releasing one more episode which will be the icing on this nine-layer chocolate cake of mine.🤭 I hope to see you on the next page.
Please, let's get in touch on Medium; Zini Zada, and Twitter; Zada_Zini

Link to next episode:

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