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Zeeshan Haider Shaheen
Zeeshan Haider Shaheen

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React.js vs Angular: A Focus on Cleaner Code

In the world of web development, two of the most widely used frameworks are React.js and Angular. Both have their strengths and are used to create robust, scalable applications. However, many developers find React.js to offer a cleaner and more concise approach when compared to Angular. Here's a breakdown of how React.js achieves this:

Simplicity and Flexibility

React.js embraces the simplicity of JavaScript, making it easier to learn and more flexible. Developers can use plain JavaScript to create components, providing a more intuitive development experience.

Angular introduces complex concepts like decorators, modules, and dependency injection, making the learning curve steeper. This complexity can lead to a more cluttered codebase.

Component-Based Architecture

React promotes a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable and modular components. This leads to a more organized and maintainable codebase.

Though Angular also uses components, its coupling with complex templates and extensive use of directives can make the code more difficult to follow.


React's Virtual DOM provides an efficient way to update the actual DOM, leading to quicker rendering times and a smoother user experience.

Angular's real DOM approach can lead to slower performance in some scenarios, especially when handling large lists and complex data structures.

One-Way Data Binding

React employs one-way data binding, which makes data flow more predictable and manageable. This approach enhances code readability and minimizes unexpected behavior.

Angular's two-way data binding can lead to potential challenges in tracking changes within the application, sometimes making debugging more complex.

Community and Ecosystem

React's community is known for producing a wide array of third-party libraries that adhere to React's philosophy of simplicity. This allows developers to find tools that seamlessly integrate into their projects.

Angular's ecosystem, while rich and diverse, can be more fragmented, leading to potential inconsistencies in code style and structure.

Let's explore a simple example that will illustrate the difference in code between React.js and Angular for creating a basic component that displays a greeting message.

React.js Example
In React.js, you could create a simple greeting component like this:

function Greeting(props) {
  return <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>;

  <Greeting name="John" />,

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This code demonstrates React's simplicity and use of standard JavaScript.

Angular Example
In Angular, the equivalent component might look like this:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'app-greeting',
  template: `<h1>Hello, {{name}}!</h1>`,
export class GreetingComponent {
  name: string = 'John';

// Usage

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Angular's example requires a bit more boilerplate and introduces concepts like decorators and component metadata.

The React.js example uses standard JavaScript functions, making it concise and easier to understand for someone familiar with the language. On the other hand, Angular's approach, while powerful and highly structured, introduces additional concepts and syntax that might be seen as less clean or intuitive, especially for beginners.

Top comments (1)

valentinkuharic profile image
Valentin Kuharic

I agree with most conclusions you lay out in the post. But I'd like to mention that in terms of choosing the right framework for the project, there are a lot more considerations we have to make.

React is a UI library, meaning the team has to pick and choose many different libraries for routing, CSS supersets, handling backend calls, hooks, auth, state management etc. All of those need to be now maintained, and maybe they don't work together in all situations. Every library brings it's own syntactic "touch", complicating the clean syntax of the code and increasing the learning curve for new developers that are onboarded on the project.

Angular is a framework, meaning it brings most tools you'll need right from the get go. It also supports design patters and concepts like modules, DI, class-based components and such that help in maintaining the codebase for bigger projects.

But I do agree and personally prefer the syntax of React, and JSX is a better way to write reactive UI then the Angular's directive-heavy templates.

As always it comes down to choosing the "right tool for the job".

React feels faster to write and the ecosystem is so much better then Angulars.

Great post! :D