Hey folks, we have been working very hard for the last five or six years to make the Canvas easy to use with powerful results. This guide and the twelve sub-guides will unlock a world of coding wonder! A super project for the new year - and beyond! Please share with colleagues too!
◎ Your Guide to Coding Creativity on the Canvas
The twelve sections are here:
CreateJS, ZIM, PixiJS, Phaser, P5js, PaperJS
text editor, browser, HTML page, template, import, script tag
Circle, Rectangle, Triangle, Blob, Squiggle, Container, variables, classes, objects, parameters, properties, methods
Button, Slider, Dial, List, Tabs, Stepper, Indicator, Selector, events, functions, anonymous functions, arrow functions
object literals, chaining, arrays, random, series
drag, gesture, transform, tap, change, hitTest, conditionals
interval, timeout, animate, wiggle, Ticker
screen reader for canvas components and content
images, sounds and sprites
Set the style for all, types and groups of display objects
Pages, Layout, HotSpots, Guide, Grid, Manager, Tile, Wrapper
MotionController, Pen, Parallax, Emitter, SoundWave, VR, Physics
Dr Abstract
If you have not checked out the Canvas recently - you simply must! Here is the ZIM Dev Site and some In-depth Guides by Dr Abstract including Your Guide to Coding Creativity on the Canvas.
Top comments (1)
We have called it Canvas 3.0 as the original HTML 5 Canvas tag is 1.0. Helper libraries like CreateJS and PixiJS that give us the BOM (Bitmap Object Model) are Canvas 2.0. Higher level frameworks like Phaser and ZIM are Canvas 3.0. Phaser focuses on games and ZIM is a general canvas framework with many conveniences, components and controls - and can do 2D games too.