1 . (SaaS) Software as a Service :
For Customers
A product that is run and managed by the service providerprovider
"Don't worry about how the service is maintained, It just work and remain available."
Examples : Gmail | Office 365 | Salesforce
2 . (PaaS) Platform as a Service :
For Developers
Focus on the deployment and management for your apps.
"Don't worry about Provisioning, Configureing, or understanding the hard-ware or OS"
Examples : heroku | Google App Engine | Beasntalk
3 . (IaaS) Intrastructure as a Service** :
For Admins
The basic building blocks for the Cloud IT. Providers access to networking features, Computers and data storage space.
"Don't worry about the IT staff, Data centers and hardware"
Examples : Azure | Oracle Cloud | AWS
See you in the next article guys đź‘‹
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