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W.I.L.D - Week 2

Another week has gone by and this week felt very quick and sometimes confusing. Many things happened this week outside of learning. First I went on a trip to a new part of the Philippines to attend a Bible seminar at a college, my Church Celebrated its 43rd Anniversary, and my great grandmother passed away. While all this happened I pushed through and got two projects done my NFT site and the Portfolio project. While its hard to be so far from friends and non-immediate family members my intrigue for learning web development hasn’t left.

TWS - This past week on scrimba I sped through two different sections the NFT site and the portfolio project and both of the were interesting. I like woking with css and understand the html part but a lot of both of these sections felt slow and unnecessary but I'm sure that once we start expounding on this it will make things easier. also both teachers used a different tag on the link/buttons one used a:active the other used a:focus and neither one explained if there was a difference.

PFW This week I plan to start working/ finish the scrimba solo project oldagram and start the space site scrims. Also this week im going to continue work on my own website and my mothers. One other thing I am going to be doing is building and sending my resume to hopefully acquire a job when I get back to the states in December.

This week was crazy hopefully this next one is a little more relaxed
-Luke Shreve

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