Hello Everyone,
First of all thank dev.to and mongoDB for hosting this Hackathon to give a chance to work with NoSQL database program.
We've seen all the inventions comes from a single spark of ideas. Just take a scenario, where a student from 1st year have a great idea and some students from 3rd year have extraordinary skills to work on that idea and a final year student has a lot experience to execute project ideas and leadership. If somehow we can connect them we may get a great result. All we have to do: circulate the idea and create a close environment and we can do it using this application.
For quick readers:
Overview of My Submission
Submission Category
Link to Code
Additional Resources / Info
Screenshots and demo videos
lets have a deep dive into this project!...
Overview of My Submission
This is an inter-college social media application where users can interact to each others and share their ideas, doubts or any queries and can do like, comment to others' post.
Backend of this project is built with nodeJS, express and Mongoose,
For DataBase MongoDB Atlas is being used.
this project is remotely deployed here: 👉WeTalk
GitHub repository of it's source code is here: 👉github Repository
Here is a quick guide to setup the environment locally
Submission Category:
- Choose Your Own Adventure
Link to Code
A social media platform where user can share thoughts with text and media and build community with fun!
About weTalk
This is an inter-college social media application where users can interact to each others and share their ideas, doubts or any queries and can do like, comment to others' post.
· Node JS
· Express
· mongoose
· ejs
Social media
· blogging app
Try it
Click here to land on the Homepage
weTalk is a Social media application built with NodeJS where user can get socialize with each other by uploading post, like and comment on their posts.
- First thing first, user have to signin with github account
- User can see What other users are posting
- User can also upload any post (till now only text), character limit: 1-1500
- User can like and comment in any post
- User can hide any post for that time from news feed
- User can delete his own post or comment
💻 Tech
…Additional Resources / Info
Resources, frameworks and code-stack Used in project:
crypto-js (for AES encryption)
MongoDB Atlas
Github OAuth
docs for deployment of free cluster with MongoDB Atlas:
Get Started with Atlasdocs for connect NodeJS application with MongoDB:
MongoDB Node Driver
Screenshots and demo videos
Demo usage of this App:
Demo video to setup this Application in local environment:
Screenshots of working application's interface:
News Feed:
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