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Making Small Games, Which Is Fun in Itself

Creating small games is an enjoyable endeavor in itself. So what constitutes a small game? According to the 'Small Game Manifesto', 1 it refers to games that conclude within 10 minutes and can be easily played on browsers.

By this definition, I have already created over 350 small games.2 There was a year when I crafted 139 of these small games,3 showcasing my undeniable love for them.

Take for instance, a simple game where you slice a red stick into equal parts, which exemplifies a small game.


Another example is a game where you cut a rope with a tap, ensuring it doesn't touch the bottom of the screen, also a small game, enjoyable on touch panel devices like smartphones.


The allure of small games lies in the abbreviated development time they require. A game could be quickly whipped up in about 2 hours, or within around 10 hours if met with challenges. However, once you start diving into artwork, the time investment can become endless. The small games discussed in this article are those produced under initiatives such as "Game A Week,"4 in which developers aim to produce a new game each week. These games, even from a developer's standpoint, are considered small due to the constrained time frame in which they are developed.

The abbreviated development time means you can easily experiment with various ideas. I’ve enjoyed crafting and testing unconventional games.

The common narrative surrounding small games posits that creating them is a crucial preparatory step towards developing larger, more polished games. Many articles overwhelmingly advise beginners to start with small games.

A blog post titled "Make and release lots of small games before making a big one" 5 emphasizes the importance of this practice before embarking on larger projects.

It's here because, jumping straight into a big game as your "first" game is exactly how you end up losing motivation and never finishing that game, or ending up with something that ate years of your life that you can't even stand looking at anymore.

But the story doesn’t end there. Small games possess a unique charm exclusive to them. That's what I believe.

There's a blog post titled "How To Make Good Small Games",6 elucidating that excellent small games do exist and detailing how to create them.

This manifesto of sorts, “How to Make Good Small Games”, is an attempt to meet this perspective halfway. It’s divided into twelve thoughts, made up mostly of esoteric creative theory (why do I like small games? why do I like making small games?), and hopefully a little actionable advice. I can tell you “scope small uwu”, but if you don’t believe small games can be good in the first place, all you’ll hear is a homework assignment you have to do before you can make the games you really care about.

The 12 thoughts encompass the following:

  1. A game’s quality is independent from its scale.: Small games are not only easy to create but also to make well. The larger the game, the more aspects within it need attention, and the higher the chance of failure.

  2. A game’s quality is independent from its emotional scope.: Just as short stories function differently from long novels or epics, the conditions constituting “success” vary in small-scale games.

  3. A game defines the terms of its own success.: Accept them as they are, and assess whether that's good or bad.

  4. A game succeeds when it fulfills its promises.: The introduction of new characters or mechanics is a promise. Instead of introducing an interesting idea and quickly abandoning it, ensure it evolves and contributes to the game's overall progression.

  5. It's easier for a game to succeed if it makes smaller promises.: Reduce the mechanics, enemies, assets, characters, and stages. It's easier to introduce three ideas and develop them to a satisfying climax than to juggle 10 or 100 ideas.

  6. Fulfill promises in an interesting and delightful way.: What makes you smile? This is where your personal style shines through in creating a game that feels authentically "you".

  7. Don’t over-deliver on your promises.: Games should conclude at the right moment, not extending unnecessarily.

  8. Form factor is a part of a game’s promises.: Minimize information presented to players, and ensure they can commence playing as soon as the game launches, altering player expectations.

  9. Finish your game before releasing it.: Before releasing under labels like “Demo” or subtitling it “Prologue”, question why you would wish to release it before completion.

  10. Serial games are not a shortcut.: Splitting the game into two or more episodes released over an extended period is almost always a bad idea.

  11. Don’t worry about going viral.: Pursuing small, specific goals in games also attracts a small, specific audience.

  12. Good is good enough.: Once you can consistently create games that satisfy you and feel genuinely good, you’re light-years ahead of many game developers.

Additionally, the article in discussion presents a 13th thought: "Have fun :)". Conceptualize new mechanics and integrate them into your game in a manner that reflects your style. I find this process enjoyable, and it’s even more gratifying if a fair number of people experience and enjoy what I’ve created.

Creating small games is often discussed within the context of honing game development skills. However, the process of brainstorming diverse game ideas, experimenting, riding the roller coaster of elation and disappointment, and occasionally showcasing your work to others is itself enjoyable, which is an invaluable experience.

This time, I have compiled the joys and methods of developing compact games into a small e-booklet titled "Joys of Small Game Development".

Joys of Small Game Development

To convey its delights from various angles, I've included the following content:

  • Exploring what small games are and why creating them is enjoyable.
  • Choosing target devices and development environments for game development.
  • Generating core game ideas, and discovering how to spawn ideas through constraints.
  • Setting appropriate levels of difficulty for players.
  • Enhancing the game's appeal by adding 'juicy' effects and sound.
  • Creating custom libraries or engines, and exploring methods for auto-generating artwork and sound.
  • Deliberating on the potential of computers in developing games from scratch.

This compilation aims to benefit those interested in small game development or those already engaged in the process. Although the content is varied and diverse, reflecting my interests, I hope that sharing my experiences and knowledge will make your game development journey a tad more enjoyable.

  1. Small Games Manifesto for Manifesto Jam 

  2. ABA Games 

  3. I have created 139 games in one year by patterning my game making 

  4. Game A Week: Getting Experienced At Failure 

  5. Make and release lots of small games before making a big one 

  6. How To Make Good Small Games 

Top comments (4)

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Cool! Can we get links to these games?

abagames profile image
ABA Games

ABA Games - Browser
I hope you enjoy it.

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk

Wow! They are great, the ones i have got to! Which one is the slicing one? (I sound like a kid) I might need to take up small games!

thecheapaudiophile profile image
Griff Polk