Elixir is a multi-purpose dynamically typed functional programming language which when combined with the phoenix web framework is one of the hottest topics out there. Even though elixir is a pretty new player in the market launched in 2011, the roots are pretty deep since it runs on Erlang VM. This means that it highly infers the characters of Erlang VM and provides a much simpler, easy to read and maintainable codebase. Erlang being built by a telecommunication company named Erricson back in the '80s, highly focuses on concurrent connections and fault tolerance
To learn more about Erlang, click here

In other words, if concurrency
, scalability
, and reliability
are the main concerns of your application, Elixir is one of the best choices out there. That's it for theoretical introduction, and time to get hands dirty with some elixir code.
To start, you'll first have to install both Erlang and Elixir on your machine. To install on your respective operating system, visit installation guide.
After you have successfully installed Elixir, you should be able to type the following command in your terminal without any error.
After this, type iex
in your terminal and this should start an interactive elixir shell and you should be able to perform basic arithmetic operators there as shown below.
This interactive shell is good for basic things but if you want to work with a large elixir codebase, it's obvious that you need an IDE or text editor. Obviously 😁.
For that, use mix
to create a new elixir project. mix
is the dependency and command line manager for elixir. Think of it as npm
for node, cargo/rustc
for rust, or pip
for python.
to your desire directory where you want to create a new elixir project and run the following command.
mix new my_project
and then open the folder in your favorite text editor.
Looking at the folder structure, you can see that mix
pretty much set up the whole project for you including the git
initializing. The main application code lives in the lib
folder. Another cool thing about the elixir is that it comes pre-configured with very good testing support. mix.exs
is the file, where mix keeps track of all the project dependencies just like a package.json
file for node
. Now it's time to see some elixir magic. Open lib/my_project.ex
. Remember, the name of the file in the lib
folder would be the same as the name of your project. When you open the file, the default module is something like this 👇.
defmodule MyProject do
@moduledoc """
Documentation for `MyProject`.
@doc """
Hello world.
## Examples
iex> MyProject.hello()
def hello do
Even though the elixir is a functional programming language, but it provides a lot of macros that help you organize the code into manageable modules to abstract away all the logic into one module and you don't need to even export these modules to use them in other modules.
In the above snippet, you see a lot of words starting from @
are the attributes. Elixir has a built-in docs generator and you can use tools like ex_doc
to generate the docs from the @moduledoc
and @doc
attributes. To start, add the following dependency to deps
function in mix.exs
so that it looks something like this 👇.
def deps do
[{:ex_doc, "~> 0.21", only: :dev, runtime: false}]
Then run the following command to install the dependency in your project.
mix deps.get
To generate docs, run the following command and it should create a new folder name doc
in project directory with all the HTML files for the documentation.
Execute the following command to generate docs
mix docs
Opening index.html
with liveserver
will reveal docs.
Enough for the docs, let's run some code.
Add a function named hello
under the MyProject
module. This function simply prints the "world"
string to the terminal. To call this function, go the terminal in the current project directory and execute the following command.
iex -S mix
This will open an iex
session but this time, it will compile all the application code and import the modules into the current iex
To execute the function that you wrote, run the following 👇.
iex(2)> MyProject.hello
This was a brief introduction to the Elixir. In the future, I'll be releasing a series on the basics of elixir so that it's easier for beginners to understand this phenomenal functional language and build the next big Discord.
Fun fact
Discord is one of the early adopters of Elixir
and today, elixir is paying back by handling billions of messages and calls per day on the platform.
For more web-development content, please follow me on twitter @abdadeel_ . See you there !
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