As you all see lots of technical articles so I decided to write on something nontechnical. Here in this article, I covered some most common problem which students face in his day to day life. I don't add any questions from the internet these questions asked students through mailing. One last thing is this article gonna be a little long so please take a cup of tea/coffee and enjoy reading and hope it will useful for you all also. So let's start.
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I have been put into computer science by my parents and I have no interest but I’m trying to make the most use of it and have a good career.
I have difficulty in learning programming be it any language. I’m fine with the syntax and all but when it actually comes to thinking and coding I’m not able to do it.
I keep jumping from one thing in cs to another, like web Dev to ai dev then SDE to IoT, and I suck at coding. I really need a clear path and how to go about it. I want to be good at software dev and then be an ai dev at the same time I want to have front end knowledge.
First of all, thank you for sharing your problem with us and trust in us. In your case, there are 2 phase 1st one is your i.e. What you want to become? and 2nd one is your parents i.e. What your parents want to see as a developer/ career in CS or not? So let's take a look at both phases one by one.
Phase 1: As you do not have any interest in programming like stuff and don't want to make a career in the computer science field but just due to family pressure or because of parents you have to study programming and struggling with your career now. So the work which you never want to do but due to the pressure you are doing which results in you are not able to plan things with surety and confident. So in the last, you start getting depressed and not satisfied with the result. Hence very bad for everything i.e. you can say the worst case in all scenarios.
Now let's move to the 2nd phase.
Phase 2: In most Indian parents the problem is they don't let children study what he wants just because they over the care and just want to make our career in the field which is most trending in current time. They thought that if my children join this field then he/she has a very bright future with a good salary. So if you just place yourself in his place then you will get that they are not wrong. It's possible when you will be in his place you will think in the same way. So don't get mad at them for just because of this.
Now, what is the solution to the problem?
As you know in the upcoming days we are depending on computer systems so with the changing world I'll suggest you change the way you think. For example, in the present, there are lots of students who start learning things from the internet or simply you can say with the use of tech products and not only these even those who want to become teachers but due to some reason they not able to pursue his career in teaching professions they started his own channel to teach or started his website, writing blogs and other things.
Let me explain it with another example there so many UI and UX developers who work as developers and artists both. In the professional world, they work as a developer/designers while in daily life work as an artist. So there is no need to worry about it. You still have the chance to make your career in other fields in which you want.
Not able to code?
Programming is one of the most challenging problems and in programming, we have 2 stages 1st is learning i.e. Syntax and 2nd is the implementation. Mostly in starting when students not able to implement they start thinking like maybe I do not know the syntax or not able to build logic or how to write code but the reality is you know the syntax, you able to build logic and you know how to code. But you get failed just because you are afraid of errors. Let me tell you one thing when I started coding my 1st language was C so I finish the C course in just 6 days yes in just 6 days!!! and I learn all these from NIIT Allahabad but when my teacher told me to write a code of adding 2 numbers then at that time I was totally blank and I was not able to figure out why this is happing I know the syntax, I read all the theory about more than 5 times, I know how to solve the problem then why I'm not able to write code? And I struggle with this problem for about a month. One day I just go through a blog named how to code? and when I read that in the last I figure out the solution. A line like to mention is that "Don't get afraid of getting the errors? Afraid from compilation successful." It's just because the hours you spend on the error you will learn what is the reason behind a specific error and it also increase your problem-solving skills.
Here I wrote a blog for those who are struggling with codes I'll suggest you read it once and hope it will be helpful for you:

Abhishek ・ Nov 30 '18 ・ 6 min read

How to make implementation better Final part
Abhishek ・ Feb 20 '19 ・ 4 min read
Before learning I will suggest you search the domain in which you want to work after that to achieve the target follow the roadmaps to get roadmap just Google "Roadmap to become a " e.g. if you want to get a roadmap of web developer then just Google "Roadmap to become a web developer ".
in case you still not want to code then there are so many fields in CS in which you can work without coding/programming. So to know more about the fields you have to Google "Job with zero codings experience or Job without coding".
Here I'll recommend going through this one
10 Tech Careers That Don't Involve Coding
If you really want to learn something and want to grow yourself then I'll suggest that just discuss the problem with your friends, teachers, WhatsApp groups, etc. As we made code warrior just because to help students who really want to make his/her career in CS fields and lagging just because of guidance or resources. So if you guys do not discuss your problem with us then how we will able to know you have some issues/ problems. Don't think about that if ask a problem then what others think blah blah so for this let me tell you one thing is that "logo ka kaam hai kahna so don't worry about log kya kahege".
[If you aren't able to understand the last line I'll suggest just translate it from Hindi to English]
** Self-study... I don't have perfect guidance..>** I am introverted...I love to learn new things .. interested in technology I Love to create new projects that helpful for me and others... love to do AI and Data science projects.
Overthinking, afraid of problem-solving, I will read everything but when I want to solve any problem or build logic I can't remember them.
I answered the problem of the solution into 2 parts. So let's start with part 1. Here the lines I wrote:
As you told us you are a self-learner so I'm impressed it's not because you are a self-learner it's because you took this step in your career. Generally, most people complain that they are not able to get his goal because they do not have anyone to guide them, etc, etc. But you by taking this step prove that you have a passion to achieve your goals. So keep it up and never settle down.
Now let's back to the problem you asked. As you told us that you don't know where you have to study Data Science and AI so that you can make a career in ML. 1st of all I will suggest you make some projects on ML before starting the data science and AI it's because by making projects your understanding of concepts get better day by day. If you already made some projects then you can go for data science and AI. Now the problem is from where you can learn these then here some list of resources from where you can learn more about the ML
Kaggle: Kaggle is the world's largest data science community with powerful tools and resources to help you achieve your data science goals.
Visit: Kaggle
Towards Data Science: A Medium publication sharing concepts, ideas, and codes on ML, Data Science, Python, etc.
Visit: Towards Data Science
Coursera: You can learn ML and Data science courses from Coursera also if you are thinking that they are paid then just applied for Financial Aid where you have answered the questions after that courses get approved after about 15 days.
How I got Financial Aid for Data Science Course on Coursera !!!
Here some useful links:
- Learn Data Science using Python,R:- Data Camp
- One of best Data Science community:- Analytics Vidya
- You can learn basic to intermediate of Data Science topics like Data visualizations, Machine Learning using Python, Data Ananlysis using Python: FreeCodeCamp Get Certification courses for free and FreeCodecamp is one best non profit community for coder and by coders
- Machine Learning Stories:– Hacker Noon
Again I break the problem into parts and then provide a solution to problems.
1st Problem: "Overthinking and Afraid of problem-solving"
"Overthinking" is a very common problem in students. If I say that I don't overthink any topic related to my career, related to studies or related to relationships, etc then, in this case, that person lying to you. In general, everybody overthinks so now it's on you how to think. To explain it in a more sustainable way let me take an example from your daily life. In general, when you are scrolling your social media account you saw that A student of tier 2 or tier 3 college gets a package of 35 lakh in Amazon. Now when you do some research on that guy you got that he had done a total of 3 internships in top companies like Directi, Amazon, and out of 3, he did 2 in Amazon so due to good performance Amazon gave him PPO (Preplacement Offer). Now you start comparing yourself to that guy which result in you get depressed, start feeling low, and always thinking about that he had done 3 interns in 4 years of UG and me neither done an internship in the last 3 years now you are in 4th year and also do not know what to do. So due to this, your performance gets affected and due to bad performance, you start taking the wrong steps which result in 0.
So What to do so that you do not "overthink"?
The answer is simple you can't escape from overthinking. Actually thinking is part of your brain and it's a very common thing that when you do anything right or wrong your brain starts making perceptions on that topic so you can't break this habit. Then what is the solution to this problem?
It's very easy and simple and mostly you read in lots of motivational blogs, books, and listen to videos "Positive thinking/Think positive". Now the question is how??
As I said earlier that thinking is part of your brain's functionality if you stop thinking means your brain is in a dead state. To surpass this problem you have to follow these few steps:
When you read something or someone shares that an IIT student gets placed in Google then instead of comparing yourself with that guy try to think about "HOW?" what was his process to get that post in such a huge company. Now the main and important point i.e. 2nd "How?". With all these steps you also have to think about "How you can achieve that position?" We all have a few problems in our life but the solution to those problems can be found out through you in this case no other can help. So convert overthinking into your deadliest weapon instead of your weakness.
To gain confidence and to think in a positive way so that you never let down yourself I'll suggest starting reading books on self-development. Here some suggestions which are highly recommended by top developers and authors
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Definitely the book that made the biggest impact on my mindset. I think everyone should read this book. This is the only book I'll say that it's "life-changing". BUY
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be: Quick and fun motivational read for creatives. This will help you to stop complaining, and kick your ass to the next level.
The 5 Elements of Effective Thinking: I'm always trying to improve my thinking and decision making, this book helps me to see the holes in my thinking so I can improve. BUY
Essentialism: A great reminder to focus on what really matters, and how to say NO to most distractions. BUY
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: This was recommended to me, and I really enjoyed it. Entertaining and thought-provoking. BUY
On a daily basis make a list of the works you have to do like if started learning Python then, first of all, make a target that in a week or month you will finish the Python, and on daily basis, you give 2 hours to read or video, etc. so in this way make a list your work for your next day. When work gets done just mark them as done and always priorities your work. To give priorities you can use a numbering scheme like 10 number for most important works, 7 for normal works, 5 for those are not very necessary. At the end of the day just give you total mark like if done only 3 tasks out of 5 in a day whose marking was 10, 7, and 5 for work get done and 5,5 for the other two tasks. So your score will be 22 out of 32.
Do not make a long list try to do less work but with full focus and don't do multiple works at the same time.
2nd Problem: " I will read everything but when I want to solve any problem or build logic I can't remember them"
Actually, I already wrote the answer to these questions on my quora handle so you can visit them here the link of my quora handle Abhishek Kumar Shukla .
How can I become a master in programming? I'm in the first year of BTech and I haven't studied computer programming in my previous class.
How do I become a consistent coder? I have started my coding in HackerRank. I was able to solve problems initially but got stuck as it goes. I'm broke now. What am I to do now?
I recommend this blog to every person because this not only a guide for programming even its solution so I will suggest visiting and read it carefully.
3rd Problem: "I have a doubt...If I want to do an internship in any company in the data science sector ..they will ask for any certificate for the data science..."
In the current scenario course, completion certificates do not matter. When the interviewer takes an interview he focuses on your certifications in rare cases because that will not prove you the things as written in that certificate.
Please note that I'm saying this in an only case when you have any course certification. If you have certificates of appreciations or recommendations then they are highly valued.
Now what to do which proves that you know the things you mentioned. In that case, it can be done via making projects. So how to pick projects for that I'll recommend thinking about your daily life problems and you can solve them using ML. Or just search project suggestion in grp you will get a list of projects recommended by me.
Hope you found the article helpful. If you also having issues and want to learn to program and get land on your dream job then just invest 3 months with us. You will feel the difference in just within 10 days. To know more about the benefits of our Bootcamp just visit By Me a Coffee.
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