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Andreas B. Vestergaard
Andreas B. Vestergaard

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I'm a professional pleaser, and developer.

I have always been a people pleaser. It can be both positive and negative. As a professional developer, this can present some challenges. I think I have found a solution.

Two of my strongest traits are a well-developed pleaser gene combined with a strong tendency to want to avoid conflict. This has made it difficult to say no and often resulted in what I was trying to avoid - conflicts.

Turning professional developer.

When I started as a professional developer three years ago, I soon discovered a new disadvantage to my pleaser trait. I was more or less subconciously underestimating my tasks, just to please my project managers. This meant that i was constantly low on time and had to ask for more - which then made me unpopular with the project managers.

My solution

My solution is to use an estimation tool. It sounds fancy but it is actually just a spreadsheet where i can choose my level of confidence and then the spredsheet will multiply my estimates by a factor.

It removed the estimation process from my head and made it more realistic and pessimistic.

If you find it hard to estimate tasks and find yourself constantly low on time - maybe this could help you too.

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