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Abhilash Panicker
Abhilash Panicker

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Tkinter vs PyQt: Choosing the Right GUI Library for Your Python Projects

When it comes to creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for Python applications, Tkinter and PyQt are two of the most popular libraries. Both offer a wide range of features and ease of use, making it difficult to choose between them. In this article, we will compare Tkinter and PyQt, exploring their key differences and advantages, to help you decide which library best fits your project's needs.

1. Overview

a. Tkinter
- Tkinter is the standard GUI library for Python and comes bundled with most Python installations. It is a thin object-oriented layer on top of the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit. Tkinter is simple and easy to use, making it a popular choice for beginners and small projects.

b. PyQt
- PyQt is a set of Python bindings for the Qt application framework, a popular choice for creating desktop applications. PyQt is known for its flexibility, extensive features, and robustness. It is suitable for large projects and professional applications.

2. Installation and setup

a. Tkinter
- Tkinter is included with most Python installations, making it easy to get started without needing to install any additional packages.

b. PyQt
- PyQt requires a separate installation using pip (e.g., pip install PyQt5). It also needs a compatible version of the Qt library installed on your system.

3. Documentation and community support

a. Tkinter
- Tkinter has extensive documentation and a large community. Many online resources, tutorials, and examples are available to help beginners get started.

b. PyQt
- PyQt also has comprehensive documentation, and its community is growing. Since PyQt is based on the Qt framework, you can find extensive resources related to Qt development, which can be helpful when working with PyQt.

4. Features and capabilities

a. Tkinter
- Tkinter provides basic widgets (buttons, labels, text boxes, etc.) and simple layout management. It is suitable for small projects and simple applications, but it might be limiting for more complex projects.

b. PyQt
- PyQt offers a wide range of advanced features, such as custom widgets, OpenGL integration, multithreading support, and extensive layout management. It is suitable for complex applications and professional projects, where advanced functionality is required.

5. Look and feel

a. Tkinter
- Tkinter's default look and feel is dated and does not always blend well with modern operating systems. However, it is possible to customize the appearance using themes and styles.
- Tkinter example:
Tkinter screenshot

b. PyQt
- PyQt applications have a native look and feel on all supported platforms, making them visually appealing and consistent with the user's OS. PyQt also provides advanced styling options, allowing for extensive customization.
- PyQt example:
PyQt screenshot


6. Performance

a. Tkinter
- Tkinter has decent performance for small to medium-sized applications. However, it may struggle with larger projects or applications that require rapid updates to the UI.

b. PyQt
- PyQt has better performance compared to Tkinter, making it suitable for larger projects and applications that require fast UI updates.


Both Tkinter and PyQt have their advantages and are suited for different types of projects. If you are new to GUI programming or working on a small project with basic requirements, Tkinter is a simple and easy-to-use option. However, if you need more advanced features, a native look and feel, or better performance, PyQt is a more suitable choice for larger projects and professional applications. Ultimately, the choice between Tkinter and PyQt depends on your project's requirements and your personal preferences.

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