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AngularChallenges Series' Articles

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Create a highly customizable component
Cover image for Create a highly customizable component

Create a highly customizable component

Comments 5
4 min read
NgRx Effect vs Reducer vs Selector
Cover image for NgRx Effect vs Reducer vs Selector

NgRx Effect vs Reducer vs Selector

Comments 7
9 min read
Extending NgFor to support Empty use case
Cover image for Extending NgFor to support Empty use case

Extending NgFor to support Empty use case

Comments 1
5 min read
NgTemplateOutlet Typed checked (with @ContentChild)
Cover image for NgTemplateOutlet Typed checked (with @ContentChild)

NgTemplateOutlet Typed checked (with @ContentChild)

Comments 1
5 min read
Discover the power of @Ngrx/component-store to create a Local Component State
Cover image for Discover the power of @Ngrx/component-store to create a Local Component State

Discover the power of @Ngrx/component-store to create a Local Component State

Comments 4
9 min read
Create a custom Structural Directive to manage permissions
Cover image for Create a custom Structural Directive to manage permissions

Create a custom Structural Directive to manage permissions

Comments 5
7 min read
Create a route Guard to manage permissions
Cover image for Create a route Guard to manage permissions

Create a route Guard to manage permissions

Comments 2
5 min read
Deep dive into Angular pipes
Cover image for Deep dive into Angular pipes

Deep dive into Angular pipes

8 min read
Boost Your App's Performance by Wrapping Your Functions Inside a Pipe
Cover image for Boost Your App's Performance by Wrapping Your Functions Inside a Pipe

Boost Your App's Performance by Wrapping Your Functions Inside a Pipe

Comments 3
4 min read
Accessing route params in Angular
Cover image for Accessing route params in Angular

Accessing route params in Angular

Comments 3
3 min read
Extending an existing NX generator
Cover image for Extending an existing NX generator

Extending an existing NX generator

6 min read