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Do you apply testing in your side projects?

Nicho on December 20, 2017

Hi everyone πŸ‘‹ Yesterday I started to learn more about TTD (test-driven-development) in JS. I checked out Mocha, supertest & assertthat and ever...
ben profile image
Ben Halpern β€’

If it were a side project using technology where I was already familiar with the testing tools, I will. I really like testing in environments I'm familiar with. But, for whatever reason, testing tools take me forever to pick up, so I might forego it in low-risk side projects.

katzy687 profile image
Natti Katz β€’

Same. When I'm building something small to learn a new technology I forego it.

If it's a bigger side project I plan to develop for a while I'll add static typing and selective tests for modules that seem fragile.

Not a religious tester by any means. Haven't actually been at a company yet that required tests so maybe I have not seen the light.

across_the_grid profile image
Nicho β€’ β€’ Edited

Thank you, Natti! Good to see that most devs go for tests, but don't do over-testing!

mindplay profile image
Rasmus Schultz β€’

Most testing tools are bloated, in my opinion - it shouldn't take very long to pick up a testing tool, if the tool leverages your existing knowledge of the language, but most test frameworks replace everything with assertion functions.

Try something like tape.js for testing - it's very small, and has only a few assertions that are necessary to do things like deep comparison. It seems to follow the Go language testing philosophy of "less is more" and leveraging what you already know.

I love that! Writing tests is so much more intuitive, and your tests will be much easier for someone else to read.

across_the_grid profile image
Nicho β€’

Thanks Ben, I see your point! πŸ™‚

alephnaught2tog profile image
Max Cerrina β€’

I've never done formal testing (still a student), but I've always, always tested as I went and before any "version" updates (or what would be the equivalent of if I was versioning with numbers, etc). Maybe it's because I learn best by breaking things or because of my math background where I helped too many students figure out why their proofs weren't valid (spoiler: using "2" as one of your test numbers is almost always the wrong choice because it does weird stuff) or because I always want to figure out the holes in something, but I've always just sort of done it reflexively.

I'm working on a side project now and as I go I either make notes of things to check later or I go "Hmmm, I wonder if ABC breaks it... yup, yup it does. OK, is that a case I didn't account for and should have in the code, or is there an error somewhere?" and then I dig around and adjust.

I've never used tools to do it, though. Maybe that'll be one of my winter break detours...!

across_the_grid profile image
Nicho β€’

Thanks @alephnaught2tog for your reply! I'm also still a student, so in university, we learned formal testing in theory, but in our study projects, we never really applied it, because time was always very limited and the whole application was just a proof-of-concept, so nobody cared πŸ˜‡
In my side projects I tested my apps just by trying them out and see if they crashed. When they crashed, I tried to fix them immediately, but if this took too much time I often let my future self a// TODO: note to come back later. But I think after I've seen formal testing can be so easy, it will reduce my time to manually testing things.

hudsonburgess7 profile image
Hudson Burgess β€’

I actually like to be more TDD-focused on side projects β€” it’s an opportunity to flex my testing muscles and β€œpractice” for work.

There’s obviously a place for hacking and rapid prototyping though. I usually throw together a v1 to force myself to clarify what’s in my head, then rebuild a v2 with thorough testing and better design decisions.

craser profile image
Grumpy and β€’

Yep. I do. But I don't always test the same way. Sometimes I just build a few end-to-end tests to cover the big stuff. Sometimes I build little unit tests to cover edge cases in core code. (I'm not a purist about dividing unit/integration/functional/etc testing.)

The best article I've seen lately on the how & why of testing is Sarah Mei's note on Five Factor Testing. The nutshell is that goals matter. There is no One True Testing Methodology.

My advice: side projects are a chance to learn. Why not use them to learn about testing?

across_the_grid profile image
Nicho β€’ β€’ Edited

Thank you, Chris! Sarah's article was very useful, thanks for sharing it!! πŸ‘

My advice: side projects are a chance to learn. Why not use them to learn about testing?

You are absolutely right, I will keep the 5 factors in my mind when I apply testing in my next side project.

courier10pt profile image
Bob van Hoove β€’ β€’ Edited

I strive to use a risk assessment to decide what to test. I'll assume the following definition:

risk = chance * effect

For instance, if you have a trivial regex you may not feel the need to test it. But sometimes getting it wrong can really screw things up.

I had this hobby project that works with musical keys for follow-up suggestions while djing. I wrote an import to take data from the djing application including the key I needed. I made a mistake in a regex causing some tracks to be assigned the wrong key.

Both chance and effect were high in this case:

  • I know that often enough regex is not a first-time-right affair, at least for me
  • Assigning the wrong key to a track is detrimental for this application.

On top of that the spec consisted of 24 discrete cases. In retrospect, writing out the spec to test that code should've been a no brainer.

I found it rather unsettling to discover that bug. I'm glad I learned this on my hobby project, but I realized I could've made the same mistake if it wasn't.

idanarye profile image
Idan Arye β€’

I try to. I didn't, int the past, and suffered from it when I made changes and broke things. The benefit of testing in side projects is not proving their correctness - it's protecting yourself from accidentally breaking your code.

As for the type of tests - I prefer integration tests. I think unit tests are overused - they are good for library code, but when you start to need to mock everything their RoI drops and it's time to move to integration tests.

across_the_grid profile image
Nicho β€’

Thank you, Idan! I think this is something that kept me back from writing tests in the past. Unit tests seemed to me always to be an overkill for the few functions I had. My apps are often connected to databases and Web APIs, so I think integration tests will be also my preferred type in the future πŸ‘

mindstormer619 profile image
Siddarth Iyer β€’

I've noticed that I've rarely ever stuck to a pure-TDD strategy. Recently I started writing tests for as much code as I write, including side projects. But I don't really follow TDD very often. I do document expected behavior first, but I've found that various tools like IDEs rarely play nice when tests are written for code that doesn't exist yet.

Quick answers to the bullet-point questionnaire:

  • Yes, in recent times.
  • Yes, absolutely. Side projects are for learning. Learning how to write tests is as important as learning how to write code.
  • Definite benefits. Tests give me this sense of confidence in the code that I've written. If something doesn't work as expected, I know it's a case of something that I haven't covered in the tests, not something I've messed up in the code under coverage.
  • Definitely more unit tests. This is the way it should be. If you have more integ tests, it's usually a sign that you have too few unit tests.
  • I use Postman and equivalent clients for REST API testing. I should probably change that to be quite honest. It's a lot better to document the behavior of your application by end-to-end tests that are versioned along with your code.

Hope this helps :)

aarohmankad profile image
Aaroh Mankad β€’

To be honest, most of my side projects don't have any sort of rigorous testing, though I understand I could benefit a lot from it.

However, I always unit test my APIs. For that I use a testing library that a mentor of mine had developed when he was part of a contracting agency. (

If you want to get into testing your front-end, I highly recommend watching Fun Fun Functions Testing Series!

imthedeveloper profile image
ImTheDeveloper β€’

Due to only ever being solo or part of very small development teams I never really picked up a great process for testing. I never had that senior dev to guide me down a route of tdd. Due to this, which is of course my excuse, I just don't do anywhere near enough testing as I should. However this is very much on my 2018 list of development areas.

cody_eflin profile image
Cody Eflin β€’

I set up automated testing for rest APIs using restAssured

dangolant profile image
Daniel Golant β€’

I always forget to build with testing in mind from the start, and then I suffer the consequences.