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First Hacktoberfest 2021!

I had heard some commotion online about some hacktoberfest around the last week of September 2021, but did not gave much attention to it, but boy I had no idea that it would be such a brilliant experience to get started with opensource contribution. A friend of mine pulled me towards it, and thanks to him I really did some exciting contributions.

Getting Started

I registered for the fest on the start of October and my first contribution was made around 3-4th October. I was not familiar with creating pull requests, so following some tutorials on Youtube I accidentally made a PR in my own repository😜. I freaked out after that, knowing that this time Hacktoberfest does have some strict rules on contributions. But then I calmed down after reading that PRs to your own repository are also valid with some conditions, and as said my first PR was reflected on the website✌. And so did the other 10.
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After First PR

So moving on, I thought that wouldn't it be much easier that I just made a couple of PRs in some of my own repository and finish it off. But a few reasons stopped me from doing that, first of all it won't be in the good spirit of opensource contribution and the motive of Hacktoberfest will not be successful, secondly they have some rules to promote others contributions into good projects and violating those could ban you indefinitely🤔.

So I looked out for quality projects which might be easy to contribute in and also I do something which I haven't done till now, you know to learn more. Finding quality projects can be a challenging task as well ..... but, ok we were done.


I interacted with some awesome people🤝 during the whole month of October. I had a look at some projects and figured out what we can do better and made a healthy relationship with maintainers. Learned a lot about how to use different tech and became very comfortable with it overtime.
During this I also discovered my hidden skill to teach others, so as recommended by a few I might start a channel on that🤙.
Next time do take part in these kinds of events and lets start becoming more active in the community💪.

Word of Caution

Read the FAQs first!!!!!

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