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Ahmed Murtaza
Ahmed Murtaza

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✨React State Management: UseState vs UseReducer

In React, useState and useReducer are two hooks that are used to manage state in a functional component. Both hooks allow you to update state and re-render your component, but they have different use cases and trade-offs.


useState is a Hook that allows you to store a single piece of state in your component. It is easy to use and understand, making it a good choice for small and simple state management tasks.

To use useState, you need to call the Hook in your component and provide an initial value. The Hook will return an array with two elements, the first being the current value of the state, and the second being a function to update the state.

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In the example above, we are using useState to store a piece of state called name, with an initial value of "Ahmed Murtaza". The variable name contains the current value of the state, and the variable setName is a function that can be used to update the state.

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In the example above, we are using the name state variable as the value of an input field, and using the setName function to update the state when the input field value changes.


useReducer is a Hook that allows you to store multiple pieces of state and perform more complex state updates. It is more powerful than useState, but also more complex to use and understand, making it a better choice for larger and more complex state management tasks.

To use useReducer, you need to call the Hook in your component and provide a reducer function and an initial state. The Hook will return an array with two elements, the first being the current state, and the second being a function to dispatch actions to the reducer.

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In the example above, we are using useReducer to store multiple pieces of state in an object called state, with an initial value of { name: "Ahmed Murtaza", age: 29 }. The variable state contains the current state, and the variable dispatch is a function that can be used to dispatch actions to the reducer.

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In the example above, we are using the state variable as the value of an input field, and using the dispatch function to update the state when the input field value changes.


In conclusion, useState and useReducer are both very useful Hooks in React. It's more personal choice as well as other factors i.e performance and complexity, which we can consider picking the most suitable hook.

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