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Aniebiet Aaron
Aniebiet Aaron

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10 Days of Nodejs

"10 days of Node.js" is a concept where you spend 10 days learning and exploring Node.js, a popular JavaScript runtime used for building server-side applications. Node.js is known for its speed and efficiency, making it a popular choice for developing web servers, APIs, and various other types of applications. Here's a general outline of what you can learn and do over these 10 days to get started with Node.js:

Day 1: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js and why is it popular?
  • Installing Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager).
  • Writing your first "Hello World" application in Node.js.

Day 2: Understanding Asynchronous Programming

  • Learn about the event loop and non-blocking I/O.
  • Explore callbacks, promises, and async/await for handling asynchronous operations.

Day 3: Working with Modules

  • Understanding the CommonJS module system in Node.js.
  • Creating and using custom modules.
  • Exploring built-in modules like fs (File System) and http (HTTP server).

Day 4: Building a Web Server

  • Creating a simple HTTP server using Node.js's http module.
  • Handling HTTP requests and responses.
  • Serving static files and creating basic routes.

Day 5: Using Express.js

  • Introduction to Express.js, a popular web application framework for Node.js.
  • Setting up an Express.js application.
  • Creating routes and handling HTTP requests with Express.js.

Day 6: Data Storage with MongoDB

  • Setting up and connecting to a MongoDB database.
  • Creating, reading, updating, and deleting data from a MongoDB database using Node.js.

Day 7: Authentication and Authorization

  • Implementing user authentication using libraries like Passport.js.
  • Adding authorization and protecting routes.

Day 8: Real-time Applications with

  • Introduction to real-time web applications.
  • Setting up for real-time communication.
  • Building a simple chat application with

Day 9: Error Handling and Debugging

  • Learning about error handling in Node.js.
  • Using debugging tools like console.log, debugger, and third-party tools.
  • Best practices for error handling in Node.js applications.

Day 10: Deploying and Scaling Node.js Apps

  • Preparing your Node.js application for production.
  • Deploying your application to a hosting service (e.g., Heroku, AWS, or Azure).
  • Scaling your Node.js app horizontally to handle increased traffic.

Throughout these 10 days, it's important to practice what you learn by working on small projects or exercises. Node.js has a vibrant community, and there are plenty of online resources, tutorials, and documentation to help you along the way. Keep in mind that Node.js is a versatile platform with various use cases, so feel free to explore areas that align with your interests and project goals.

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