DEV Community

Aviv Kotek
Aviv Kotek

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You don't always have to be doing something

It often surprises people when I suggest them to rest or read something when they have completed their Sprint tasks.

You don't always have to be doing something.

Managers often believe that keeping everyone occupied is essential, feeling accomplished when everyone around them is busy.

However, in software delivery, it's more like a relay race. (as Taiichi Ohno of Toyota said). Each team member plays a crucial role in achieving the common goal by completing their part.

We should focus on passing the baton forward by working on items that matter and provide (business) value, rather than just staying busy and actually, keep running in circles.

Taking a break, observing or reading something that interest you, can help you identify what truly matters, allowing you to get back to the race and pass the baton effectively.

Baton race

Top comments (1)

thaisavieira profile image
Thaísa Vieira

This is a very necessary post with a great reflection. I feel so bad when I spend my time not doing something useful. Sometimes resting feels like a crime but I'm doing my best to see rest as a recharge thing, essential for productivity.