
Cover image for ChatPlus is an Open Source PWA that provides the experience of using a mobile app.

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ChatPlus is an Open Source PWA that provides the experience of using a mobile app.

Brief ChatPlus Overview 💬✨🤩

ChatPlus is a progressive web application created using React, NodeJS, Firebase, and various other tools to enhance your chatting experience.

Engage in real-time conversations with all your friends, whether through text, audio, or video calls, making communication more interactive and fun.

Share images, audio messages, and utilize an AI feature that can transcribe your speech into text, supporting multiple languages like French, English, and Spanish.

This versatile web app is compatible with any device and allows you to receive notifications, ensuring you never miss an important message or call.

Your support means a lot to us! Please consider leaving a star on our Github repository and spreading the word about ChatPlus to your friends and family.

For detailed instructions on how to install and deploy ChatPlus, visit our GitHub repository at Thank you for your interest and support!

Web App Live Link

Check out ChatPlus and sign in using your Google account. To download the app, simply click on the downward arrow button on the homepage. Remember to allow notifications 📹🎦📞🚀.

Invite your friends to join and enjoy chatting with them 🎈🎉😍

If you ever decide to leave, you can delete your account by clicking on the delete button on the homepage. We'll be sad to see you go!!!!

Rest assured, the web app is secure with encrypted data by Firebase. Your privacy is protected, and only your name and photo are visible to others.

Clean & Simple UI & UX

ChatPlus Mobile View

ChatPlus Desktop View

So What is ChatPlus ?

ChatPlus is truly an amazing app that I developed. It stands out with its colorful user interface and various messaging and calling options available on the web. It offers a seamless experience across different platforms as it is a PWA application that can be easily installed and used anywhere. With features like push notifications, ChatPlus is a perfect example of a lightweight app that provides all the functionalities of a mobile app using web technologies.

God Mode Activated

I activated my brain's God mode and utilized all my software engineering skills to create this amazing web app 😂😂😂. The results speak for themselves - my family and friends now use it for video calls and staying connected!

User Interface Layer (View)

It consists of multiple React interface components:

  • MaterialUI: Material UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design. It's comprehensive and can be used in production out of the box, we’re gonna use it for icons buttons, and some elements in our interface like an audio slider.

  • LoginView: A simple login view that allows the user to enter their username and password or login with Google.

  • SidebarViews: multiple view components like ‘sidebar_header’, ‘sidebar_search’, ‘sidebar menu’, and ‘SidebarChats’, it consists of a header for user information, a search bar for searching users, a sidebar menu to navigate between your chats, your groups and users, and a SidebarChats component to display all your recently chats that you messaged, it shows the user name and photo and the last message.

  • ChatViews: it consists of many components as follows:

  1. ‘chat__header’ contains the information of the user you’re talking to, his online status, and profile picture and it displays buttons for audio calls and video calls, it also displays when the the user is typing.

  2. ’chat__body--container’ contains the information of our messages with the other users it has a component of messages that displays text messages, images with their messages, and also audio messages with their information like audio time and whether the audio was played and the end of this component we have the ‘seen’ element that displays whether messages were seen.

  3. ‘AudioPlayer’: a React component that can display to us audio with a slider to navigate it, displays the full time and current time of the audio, this view component is loaded inside ‘chat__body-- container’.

  4. ‘ChatFooter’: it contains an input to type a message, a button to send a message when typing otherwise the button will allow you to record the audio, and a button to import images and files.

  5. ’MediaPreview’: a React component that allows us to preview the images or files we have selected to send in our chat, they are displayed on a carousel where users can slide the images or files and type a specific message for each one.

  6. ‘ImagePreview’: When we have images sent on our chat this component will display the images on full screen with a smooth animation, the component mounts after clicking on an image.

  • scalePage: a view function that increases the size of our web app when displayed on large screens like full HD screens and 4K screens.

  • CallViews: a bunch of react components that contain all calls view elements, they can be dragged all over our screen and they consist of:

  1. ‘Buttons’: a call button with a red version of it and a green video call button.

  2. ‘AudioCallView’: a view component that allows answering incoming audio calls and displaying the call with a timer and it allows to cancel the call.

  3. ‘StartVideoCallView’: a view component that displays a video of ourselves by connecting to the local MediaAPI and it waits for the other user to accept the call or, displays a button for us to answer an incoming video call.

  4. ‘VideoCallView’: a view component that displays a video of us and the other user it allows to switch cameras, disable camera and audio, it can also go fullscreen.

  5. RouteViews: React components that contain all of our views to create local components navigation, we got ‘VideoCallRoute’, ‘SideBarMenuRoute’, and ‘ChatsRoute’.

Client Side Models (Model)

Client-side models are the logic that allows our frontend to interact with databases and multiple local and serverside APIs and they consist of:

  • Firebase SDK: It’s an SDK that is used to build the database of our web app.

  • AppModel: A model that generates a user after authenticating and it also makes sure that we have the latest version of our web assets.

  • ChatModels: it consists of model logic of sending messages to the database, establishing listeners to listen to new messages, and listening to whether the other user is online and whether he’s typing, it also sends our media like images and audio to the database storage.

  • SidebarChatsModel: Logic that listens to the latest messages of users and gives us an array of all your new messages from users, it also gives several unread messages and the online status of users, it also organizes the users based on the time of the last message.

  • UsersSearchModel: Logic that searches for users on our database, it uses Algolia search that has a list of our users by linking it to our database on the server.

  • CallModel: Logic that uses the Daily SDK to create a call on our web app and also send the data to our server and interacts with DailyAPI.

Client Side Controllers (Controller)

It consists of React components that link our views with the users’ specific models:

  • App Controller: Links the authenticated user to all components and runs the scalePage function to adjust the size of our app, it also loads Firebase and attaches all the components, we can consider it a wrapper to our components.

  • SideBarController: Link users’ data and list of their latest chats, it also links our menus with their model logic, and it also links the search bar with Algolia search API.

  • ChatController: this is a very big controller that links most of the messaging and chat features.

  • CallController: Links the call model with its views.

Server Side Model

Not all features are done on the frontend as the SDKs we used require some server-side functionalities and they consist of:

  • CallServerModel: Logic that allows us to create rooms for calls by interacting with Daily API and updating our Firestore database.

  • TranscriptModel: Logic on the server that receives an audio file and interacts with Google Cloud speech-to-text API and it gives a transcript for audio messages.

  • Online Status Handler: A listener that listens to the online status of users and updates the database accordingly.

  • Notification Model: A service that sends notifications to other users.

  • AlgoliaSaver: A listener that listens to new users on our database and updates Algolia accordingly so we can use it for the search feature on the frontend.

  • Server Side Controllers: CallServer: an API endpoint that contains callModel, Worker: a worker service that runs all our firebase handling services.

Chat Flow Chart

Chat Flow Chart

Sidebar Flow Chart

Sidebar Flow Chart

Model Call Flow Chart:

Model Call Flow Chart

View Call Flow Chart

View Call Flow Chart

Backend Worker Flow Chart

Backend Worker Flow Chart

Database Design

Our Web app uses Firestore for storing our database which is a Firebase NoSQL database. We store users’ information, a list of all messages, and a list of chats. We also store chats in rooms.

Here’s what can be found in our database:

  • Users Data after Authentication.
  • Rooms that contain all the details of messages.
  • List of latest chats for each user.
  • List of notifications to be sent.
  • List of audio to be transcripted.

Database UML

Explaining the Magical Code 🔮

In the following chapters, I’m going to give a quick explanation and tutorials about certain functionalities in ChatPlus. I’ll show you the JS code and explain the algorithm behind it and also provide you with the right integration tool to link your code with the database.

Setting Up & Abstracting Firebase

Our web app uses Firebase as the BAAS for backend development, it is useful to abstract all of its functions into one module like the following:

import firebase from "firebase/compat/app";
import "firebase/compat/auth";
import "firebase/compat/firestore";
import "firebase/compat/database"
import "firebase/compat/messaging";
import "firebase/compat/storage"
import { firebaseConfig } from "./configKeys";

const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp(firebaseConfig);

const db = firebaseApp.firestore();
const runTransaction = db.runTransaction;
const db2 = firebaseApp.database();
const auth = firebaseApp.auth();
const provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
provider.setCustomParameters({ prompt: 'select_account' });
const createTimestamp = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.serverTimestamp;
const createTimestamp2 = firebase.database.ServerValue.TIMESTAMP;
const messaging = "serviceWorker" in navigator && "PushManager" in window ? firebase.messaging() : null;
const fieldIncrement = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.increment;
const arrayUnion = firebase.firestore.FieldValue.arrayUnion;
const storage ="images");
const audioStorage ="audios");

export { auth, provider, createTimestamp, messaging, fieldIncrement, arrayUnion, storage, audioStorage, db2, createTimestamp2, runTransaction };
export default db;

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Handling Online Status

The online status of users was implemented by using Firebase database connectivity feature by connecting to the “.info/connected“ on the frontend and updating both Firestore and database accordingly:

var disconnectRef;

function setOnlineStatus(uid) {
    try {
        console.log("setting up online status");
        const isOfflineForDatabase = {
            state: 'offline',
            last_changed: createTimestamp2,
            id: uid,

        const isOnlineForDatabase = {
            state: 'online',
            last_changed: createTimestamp2,
            id: uid
        const userStatusFirestoreRef = db.collection("users").doc(uid);
        const userStatusDatabaseRef = db2.ref('/status/' + uid);

        // Firestore uses a different server timestamp value, so we'll 
        // create two more constants for Firestore state.
        const isOfflineForFirestore = {
            state: 'offline',
            last_changed: createTimestamp(),

        const isOnlineForFirestore = {
            state: 'online',
            last_changed: createTimestamp(),

        disconnectRef = db2.ref('.info/connected').on('value', function (snapshot) {
            console.log("listening to database connected info")
            if (snapshot.val() === false) {
                // Instead of simply returning, we'll also set Firestore's state
                // to 'offline'. This ensures that our Firestore cache is aware
                // of the switch to 'offline.'
                userStatusFirestoreRef.set(isOfflineForFirestore, { merge: true });

            userStatusDatabaseRef.onDisconnect().set(isOfflineForDatabase).then(function () {

                // We'll also add Firestore set here for when we come online.
                userStatusFirestoreRef.set(isOnlineForFirestore, { merge: true });
    } catch (error) {
        console.log("error setting onlins status: ", error);

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On our backend we also set up a listener that listens to changes to our database and updates Firestore accordingly. This function can also give us the online status of the user in real time so we can run other functions inside it as well:

async function handleOnlineStatus(data, event) {
    try {
        console.log("setting online status with event: ", event);
        // Get the data written to Realtime Database
        const eventStatus = data.val();
        // Then use other event data to create a reference to the
        // corresponding Firestore document.
        const userStatusFirestoreRef = db.doc(`users/${}`);

        // It is likely that the Realtime Database change that triggered
        // this event has already been overwritten by a fast change in
        // online / offline status, so we'll re-read the current data
        // and compare the timestamps.
        const statusSnapshot = await data.ref.once('value');
        const status = statusSnapshot.val();
        // If the current timestamp for this data is newer than
        // the data that triggered this event, we exit this function.
        if (eventStatus.state === "online") {
            console.log("event status: ", eventStatus)
            console.log("status: ", status)
        if (status.last_changed <= eventStatus.last_changed) {
            // Otherwise, we convert the last_changed field to a Date
            eventStatus.last_changed = new Date(eventStatus.last_changed);
            //handle the call delete
            // ... and write it to Firestore.
            await userStatusFirestoreRef.set(eventStatus, { merge: true });
            console.log("user: " + + " online status was succesfully updated with data: " + eventStatus.state);
        } else {
            console.log("next status timestamp is newer for user: ",;
    } catch (error) {
        console.log("handle online status crashed with error :", error)

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Notifications are a great feature and they are implemented using Firebase messaging. On our frontend, if the user’s browser supports notifications then we configure it and retrieve the user’s firebase messaging token:

const configureNotif = (docID) => {
  messaging.getToken().then((token) => {
      token: token
    }, { merge: true })
  }).catch(e => {
      token: ""
    }, { merge: true });

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Whenever a user sends a message, we add a notification to our database:

  userID: user.uid,
  title: user.displayName,
  body: inputText,
  photoURL: user.photoURL,
  token: token,

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and on our backend, we listen to the notifications collection and we use the Firebase messaging to send it to the user

let listening = false;
db.collection("notifications").onSnapshot(snap => {
    if (!listening) {
        console.log("listening for notifications...");
        listening = true;
    const docs = snap.docChanges();
    if (docs.length > 0) {
        docs.forEach(async change => {
            if (change.type === "added") {
                const data =;
                if (data) {
                    const message = {
                        data: data,
                        token: data.token
                    await db.collection("notifications").doc(;
                    try {
                        const response = await messaging.send(message);
                        console.log("notification successfully sent :", data);
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.log("error sending notification ", error);

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AI Audio Transcription

Our web application allows users to send audio messages to each other, and one of its features is the ability to convert this audio to text for audio recorded in English, French, and Spanish. This feature was implemented with Google Cloud Speech to Text feature, Our backend listens to new transcripts added to Firestore and transcripts them then writes them into the database:

db.collection("transcripts").onSnapshot(snap => {
    const docs = snap.docChanges();
    if (docs.length > 0) {
        docs.forEach(async change => {
            if (change.type === "added") {
                const data =;
                if (data) {
                    try {
                        const text = await textToAudio(data.audioName, data.short, data.supportWebM);
                        const roomRef = db.collection("rooms").doc(data.roomID).collection("messages").doc(data.messageID);
                        db.runTransaction(async transaction => {
                            const roomDoc = await transaction.get(roomRef);
                            if (roomDoc.exists && ! {
                                transaction.update(roomRef, {
                                    transcript: text
                                console.log("transcript added with text: ", text);
                            } else {
                                console.log("room is deleted");
                            transcript: text
                    } catch (error) {
                        console.log("error transcripting audio: ", error);

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Obviously, your eyes are looking at that textToAudio function and you’re wondering how I made it, don’t worry I got you:

// Imports the Google Cloud client library
const speech = require('@google-cloud/speech').v1p1beta1;
const { gcsUriLink } = require("./configKeys")

// Creates a client
const client = new speech.SpeechClient({ keyFilename: "./audio_transcript.json" });

async function textToAudio(audioName, isShort) {
    // The path to the remote LINEAR16 file
    const gcsUri = gcsUriLink + "/audios/" + audioName;

    // The audio file's encoding, sample rate in hertz, and BCP-47 language code
    const audio = {
        uri: gcsUri,
    const config = {
        encoding: "MP3",
        sampleRateHertz: 48000,
        languageCode: 'en-US',
        alternativeLanguageCodes: ['es-ES', 'fr-FR']
    console.log("audio config: ", config);
    const request = {
        audio: audio,
        config: config,

    // Detects speech in the audio file
    if (isShort) {
        const [response] = await client.recognize(request);
        return => result.alternatives[0].transcript).join('\n');
    const [operation] = await client.longRunningRecognize(request);
    const [response] = await operation.promise().catch(e => console.log("response promise error: ", e));
    return => result.alternatives[0].transcript).join('\n');

module.exports = textToAudio;

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Video Call Feature

Our web app uses Daily API to implement real-time Web RTC connections, it allows users to make video calls to each other so first we setup a backend call server that has many API entry points to create and delete rooms in Daily:

const app = express();


app.delete("/delete-call", async (req, res) => {
    console.log("delete call data: ", req.body);
    try {
        fetch("" + req.body.roomName, {
            headers: {
                Authorization: `Bearer ${dailyApiKey}`,
                "Content-Type": "application/json"
            method: "DELETE"
    } catch(e) {
        console.log("error deleting room for call delete!!");
    res.status(200).send("delete-call success !!");
});"/create-room/:roomName", async (req, res) => {
    var room = await fetch("", {
        headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${dailyApiKey}`,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        method: "POST",
        body: JSON.stringify({
            name: req.params.roomName
    room = await room.json();

app.delete("/delete-room/:roomName", async (req, res) => {
    var deleteResponse = await fetch("" + req.params.roomName, {
        headers: {
            Authorization: `Bearer ${dailyApiKey}`,
            "Content-Type": "application/json"
        method: "DELETE"
    deleteResponse = await deleteResponse.json();

app.listen(process.env.PORT || 7000, () => {
    console.log("call server is running");

const deleteCallFromUser = userID => db.collection("users").doc(userID).collection("call").doc("call").delete();

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Great, now it’s just time to create call rooms and use the daily JS SDK to connect to these rooms and send and receive data from them:

export default async function startVideoCall(dispatch, receiverQuery, userQuery, id, otherID, userName, otherUserName, sendNotif, userPhoto, otherPhoto, audio) {
    var room = null;
    const call = new DailyIframe.createCallObject();
    const roomName = nanoid();
    window.callDelete = {
        id1: id,
        id2: otherID,
    dispatch({ type: "set_other_user_name", otherUserName });
    console.log("audio: ", audio);
    if (audio) {
        dispatch({ type: "set_other_user_photo", photo: otherPhoto });
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_type", callType: "audio" });
    } else {
        dispatch({ type: "set_other_user_photo", photo: null });
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_type", callType: "video" });
    dispatch({ type: "set_caller", caller: true });
    dispatch({ type: "set_call", call });
    dispatch({ type: "set_call_state", callState: "state_creating" });
    try {
        room = await createRoom(roomName);
        console.log("created room: ", room);
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_room", callRoom: room });
    } catch (error) {
        room = null;
        console.log('Error creating room', error);
        await call.destroy();
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_room", callRoom: null });
        dispatch({ type: "set_call", call: null });
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_state", callState: "state_idle" });
        window.callDelete = null;
        //destroy the call object;
    if (room) {
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_state", callState: "state_joining" });
        dispatch({ type: "set_call_queries", callQueries: { userQuery, receiverQuery } });
        try {
            await db.runTransaction(async transaction => {
                console.log("runing transaction");
                var userData = (await transaction.get(receiverQuery)).data();
                //console.log("user data: ", userData);
                if (!userData || !userData?.callerID || userData?.otherUserLeft) {
                    console.log("runing set");
                    transaction.set(receiverQuery, {
                        callType: audio ? "audio" : "video",
                        isCaller: false,
                        otherUserLeft: false,
                        callerID: id,
                        otherUserName: userName,
                        otherUserRatio: window.screen.width / window.screen.height,
                        photo: audio ? userPhoto : ""
                    transaction.set(userQuery, {
                        callType: audio ? "audio" : "video",
                        isCaller: true,
                        otherUserLeft: false,
                        otherUserJoined: false,
                        callerID: id,
                } else {
                    console.log('transaction failed');
                    throw userData;
            if (sendNotif) {
                const notifTimeout = setInterval(() => {
                }, 1500);
                dispatch({ type: "set_notif_tiemout", notifTimeout });
            call.join({ url: room.url, videoSource: !audio });
        } catch (userData) {
            //delete the room we made
            await call.destroy();
            if (userData.otherID === id) {
                console.log("you and the other user are calling each other at the same time");
                joinCall(dispatch, receiverQuery, userQuery,, userName, audio ? userPhoto : "", userData.callType);
            } else {
                console.log("other user already in a call");
                dispatch({ type: "set_call_room", callRoom: null });
                dispatch({ type: "set_call", call: null });
                dispatch({ type: "set_call_state", callState: "state_otherUser_calling" });

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OtherUserQuery and UserQuery are just Firebase Firestore document paths, now the rest of the app has view components that react to the state changes that are triggered by this function above and our call UI elements will appear accordingly.

Movin the Call Element Around

This next function is the Magic that allows you to drag the Call element all over the page:

export function dragElement(elmnt, page) {
    var pos1 = 0, pos2 = 0, pos3 = 0, pos4 = 0, top, left, prevTop = 0, prevLeft = 0, x, y, maxTop, maxLeft;
    const widthRatio = page.width / window.innerWidth;
    const heightRatio = page.height / window.innerHeight;
    //clear element's mouse listeners
    // setthe listener
    elmnt.addEventListener("mousedown", dragMouseDown);
    elmnt.addEventListener("touchstart", dragMouseDown, { passive: false });

    function dragMouseDown(e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        // get the mouse cursor position at startup:
        if (e.type === "touchstart") {
            if (typeof( === "string") {
                if (!"btn")) {
            } else if (!typeof( === "function") {
            pos3 = e.touches[0].clientX * widthRatio;
            pos4 = e.touches[0].clientY * heightRatio;
        } else {
            pos3 = e.clientX * widthRatio;
            pos4 = e.clientY * heightRatio;
        maxTop = elmnt.offsetParent.offsetHeight - elmnt.offsetHeight;
        maxLeft = elmnt.offsetParent.offsetWidth - elmnt.offsetWidth;
        document.addEventListener("mouseup", closeDragElement);
        document.addEventListener("touchend", closeDragElement, { passive: false });
        // call a function whenever the cursor moves:
        document.addEventListener("mousemove", elementDrag);
        document.addEventListener("touchmove", elementDrag, { passive: false });

    function elementDrag(e) {
        e = e || window.event;
        // calculate the new cursor position:
        if (e.type === "touchmove") {
            x = e.touches[0].clientX * widthRatio;
            y = e.touches[0].clientY * heightRatio;
        } else {
            x = e.clientX * widthRatio;
            y = e.clientY * heightRatio;
        pos1 = pos3 - x;
        pos2 = pos4 - y;
        pos3 = x
        pos4 = y;
        // set the element's new position:
        top = elmnt.offsetTop - pos2;
        left = elmnt.offsetLeft - pos1;
        //prevent the element from overflowing the viewport
        if (top >= 0 && top <= maxTop) {
   = top + "px";
        } else if ((top > maxTop && pos4 < prevTop) || (top < 0 && pos4 > prevTop)) {
   = top + "px";
        if (left >= 0 && left <= maxLeft) {
   = left + "px";
        } else if ((left > maxLeft && pos3 < prevLeft) || (left < 0 && pos3 > prevLeft)) {
   = left + "px";
        prevTop = y; prevLeft = x;

    function closeDragElement() {
        // stop moving when mouse button is released:
        document.removeEventListener("mouseup", closeDragElement);
        document.removeEventListener("touchend", closeDragElement);
        document.removeEventListener("mousemove", elementDrag);
        document.removeEventListener("touchmove", elementDrag);

    return function() {
        elmnt.removeEventListener("mousedown", dragMouseDown);
        elmnt.removeEventListener("touchstart", dragMouseDown);

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Drag and Drop Images

You can drag and drop images on your chat and send them to the other user, this functionality is made possible by running this, “setSRC” and “setImage” are the state functions that trigger the appearance of the “ImagePreview” component:

 useEffect(() => {
        const dropArea = document.querySelector(".chat");
        ['dragenter', 'dragover', 'dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => {
            dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, e => {
            }, false);

        ['dragenter', 'dragover'].forEach(eventName => {
            dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, () => setShowDrag(true), false)
        ['dragleave', 'drop'].forEach(eventName => {
            dropArea.addEventListener(eventName, () => setShowDrag(false), false)

        dropArea.addEventListener('drop', e => {
            if (window.navigator.onLine) {
                if (e.dataTransfer?.files) {
                    const dropedFile = e.dataTransfer.files;
                    console.log("dropped file: ", dropedFile);
                    const { imageFiles, imagesSrc } = mediaIndexer(dropedFile);
                    setSRC(prevImages => [...prevImages, ...imagesSrc]);
                    setImage(prevFiles => [...prevFiles, ...imageFiles]);
        }, false);

    }, []);
The mediaIndexer is a simple function that indexes the blob of images that we provide to it:

function mediaIndexer(files) {
    const imagesSrc = [];
    const filesArray = Array.from(files);
    filesArray.forEach((file, index) => {
        imagesSrc[index] = URL.createObjectURL(file);
    return { imagesSrc, imageFiles: filesArray };
Smooth Animated Scroll
function smoothScroll({ element, duration, fullScroll, exitFunction, halfScroll }) {
    requestAnimationFrame(start => {
        const isElementScrolledScreen = element.scrollHeight - element.scrollTop >= element.offsetHeight * 2;
        const scrollAmount = fullScroll ? element.offsetHeight : element.scrollHeight - element.offsetHeight - element.scrollTop;
        const initialScrollTop = fullScroll && isElementScrolledScreen && !halfScroll ? element.scrollHeight - element.offsetHeight * 2 : element.scrollTop;

        requestAnimationFrame(function animate(time) {
            let timeFraction = (time - start) / duration;
            if (timeFraction > 1) timeFraction = 1;
            element.scrollTop = initialScrollTop + timeFraction * scrollAmount;
            if (timeFraction < 1) {
            } else {
                exitFunction && exitFunction();

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Handling Media Upload Error

Sometimes users may experience issues when uploading media like images and audio. One of them is the loss of internet connection, or when a user closes the app while media is uploading to a server. In this case, we need to update the message that contained the media with an error state, this next function is run on the backend:

function handleMediaUploadError() {
    var userMessageListeners = {}
    var messagesListeners = {}
    //listen to all the rooms
    db.collection("rooms").onSnapshot(roomsSnap => {
        roomsSnap.docChanges().forEach(roomChange => {
            /*attach the messages listener only once, and that's why we need to check that change type is "added",
            when rooms update, it's basically updates about the last message and we don't need that and 
            when this listener executes for the first time it whill run with change type of added*/
            if (roomChange.type === "added") {
                /*listen to the messages of each room and store the unsuscribe function to our messagesListeners object */
                const messagesReference = db.collection("rooms").doc("messages");
                messagesListeners[] = messagesReference.onSnapshot(messagesSnap => {
                    messagesSnap.docChanges().forEach(messageChange => {
                        /*When a message is added we check whether it had a media being uploaded 
                        if you get any server error and your media was stuck on uploading then we can also
                        check whether the media is being uploaded because we also listen on "modified" change*/
                        if (messageChange.type === "added" || messageChange.type === "modified") {
                            const messageData =;
                            const mediaType = messageData.imageUrl ? "image" : messageData.audioUrl ? "audio" : false;
                            if (mediaType) {
                                if ((messageData[mediaType + "Url"] === "uploading") && !userMessageListeners[]) {
                                    /*if we have a media loading we start listening to the online state of the user who sent the message and store
                                    the unsubscribe function to userMessageListeners Object*/
                                    userMessageListeners[] = db.collection("users").doc(messageData.uid).onSnapshot(userSnap => {
                                        const userStatus =;
                                        /*if the user become offline we update uploading status to error this will trigger the messages listener
                                        to give us another snapshot with type "modified" */
                                        if (userStatus.state === "offline") {
                                            console.log(`user ${} went offline so we're setting the ${mediaType}Url to error`);
                                                [mediaType + "Url"]: "error"
                                            }, { merge: true });
                                } else {
                                    /*after our message was modified, we unsubscribe from the user listener whether we had an error
                                    or media was successfully uploaded, if imageUrl isn't "uploading" than it's either a URL or "error"*/
                                    if (userMessageListeners[]) {
            } else if (roomChange.type === "removed") {
                /*when a room is deleted we stop listening to its messages changes */
                if (messagesListeners[]) {

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Sending Welcome Messages

When a new user signs up to ChatPlus you can set up the backend to send them welcome messages. These messages can direct them to you the owner of the web app. The users can respond to these messages, and you can interact with them. You can also set multiple welcome users so the user will receive different welcome messages from different users. For that we first set a backend function that allows us to send a message from one user to another one, this function runs a Firestore transaction because it needs to make sure that the user is not deleting his account:

async function sendWelcomeChat(welcomeUser, newUser, message) {
    try {
        await db.runTransaction(async transaction => {
            const newUserData = (await transaction.get(db.collection("users").doc(;
            if (newUserData?.name && !newUserData?.delete) {
                console.log(`user ${} is not being deleted, sending message`);
                const operations = [];
                const roomInfo = {
                    lastMessage: message,
                    seen: false,
                const roomID = > ? + : +;
                const messageToSend = {
                    message: message,
                    timestamp: createTimestamp(),
                    time: new Date().toUTCString(),
                operations.push(transaction.set(db.collection("rooms").doc(roomID), roomInfo, { merge: true }));
                operations.push(transaction.set(db.collection("users").doc("chats").doc(roomID), {
                    timestamp: createTimestamp(),
                    photoURL: welcomeUser.photoURL,
                    unreadMessages: fieldIncrement(1),
                }, { merge: true }));
                    timestamp: createTimestamp(),
                    photoURL: state.photoURL ? state.photoURL
                    userID: state.userID
                }, { merge: true });*/
                operations.push(transaction.set(db.collection("rooms").doc(roomID).collection("messages").doc(), messageToSend, { merge: true }));
                return Promise.all(operations);
            } else {
                throw `user ${} is deleting account`
        console.log(`Successfully sent this message "${message}" to user: ${}`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.log(`error sending this message "${message}" to user: ${}`);

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At the same time, we created a function that allows you to set any user to welcome user or remove him from welcome users, this function is available in the Test class:

const Test = Class {
  constructor() {


  /*some functions*/

  updateWelcomeUser = async (userID, isWelcomeChat) => {
        try {
            await db.collection("users").doc(userID).update({
                welcomeChat: isWelcomeChat
            console.log(`successfully set welcomeChat to ${isWelcomeChat} for user with ID: ${userID}`);
        } catch (error) {
            console.log(`error setting welcomeChat to ${isWelcomeChat} for user with ID: ${userID}`);

const test = new Test();
test.updateWelcomeUser("ZA4564DSDFDF6DF45D6FD65", true);

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Then we can set a function that sends multiple messages to the new user:

async function welcomeChatMessages(welcomeUser, newUser) {
    const sendMessage = async message => await sendWelcomeChat(welcomeUser, newUser, message);
    const githubRepoLink = ""
    await sendMessage("Hello I'm the owner of the app, it's nice to meet you and I like seeing you using my app 🎉💥");
    await wait(1000);
    await sendMessage("I would appreciate seeing you leaving a star on this app's github repository ✨⭐, let's make the whole world see this masterpiece: " + githubRepoLink);
    await wait(1000);
    await sendMessage("You can text me here, I'll receive a notification and respond to you asap, you should also accept yours, let's chat and talk a bit 🧑‍💻🚀🔮");
    await wait(1000);
    await sendMessage("Or maybe you can go for a video call, nothing is better than direct communication  🤩🎥🎦");

async function wait(timeout) {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, timeout);

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After that we set up a listener to get an array of welcome users, and a listener that listens to any newly added user, the last listener will execute the welcomeChatMessages function on the newly added user with all the welcome users, you can set welcome messages for different users if you want, notice that on the last listener we ignore the first snapshot because we want to run tasks on the new users only:

var welcomeChatUsers = [];
db.collection("users").where("welcomeChat", "in", [true]).onSnapshot(snap => {
welcomeChatUsers = [];
snap.forEach(welcomeUser => {
console.log("welcome chat users: ", welcomeChatUsers);

var firstNewUserSnap = true;
db.collection("users").orderBy("name").orderBy("id").onSnapshot(snap => {
if (!firstNewUserSnap) {
snap.docChanges().forEach(userDocChange => {
if (userDocChange.type === "added") {
const newAddedUser =;
console.log(user was added, newAddedUser);
for (let welcomeUser of welcomeChatUsers) {
welcomeChatMessages(welcomeUser, newAddedUser);
} else {
firstNewUserSnap = false;

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What I’ve Learned from Building this App

This application helped me learn how to be patient and consistent. It's made up of 16,000 lines of code that I spent 3 months writing and debugging. It also taught me how to think like an engineer and always focus on finding solutions. Throughout the development process, I encountered countless problems and errors. All I can say is, if you can dream up an app, you can make it happen!


Thank you so much for making it this far in this article, I know it’s been tough because the web app is huge, and the code may confuse you. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need help understanding the code. If you encounter any problem post it in the issues section of this app’s GitHub repo.

Get started here: ( and don’t forget to leave a star ✨⭐

Happy coding and Peace ✌️✌️.

Top comments (10)

raghu_raghav_00 profile image

The application and the number of features are really cool brother.

I can understand your efforts, patience, problem solving, comprehensive understanding of the entire system architecture(frontend, backend & database), and designing the internal components, cuz I've been through this journey brother.

*Building an application end to end(from concept to product) makes us a better and mature developer, cause we've to design the entire architecture, internal components and the data flow between the components. It even builds a different notion about software building and engineering once you go through this journey.

I've been looking to learn about PWA applications in detail, hope I got a good repo to learn it.

Hope we can catch up and exchange the lines brother.

Really loved the application man!!

aladinyo profile image
Aladinyo • Edited

thanks man, you can reach out to me bro and we can discuss, I'm open to new ideas and I can help you with the implementation of PWA features.
I would appreciate your support by leaving a star on the github repo.

ammanda_king_c3b3fc432500 profile image
Ammanda King

The web app is outstanding, and you've implemented the most recent web technologies like Firebase and PWA. Kudos! 👏 👍 👌

aladinyo profile image

Thank you so much I appreciate your support.

santosh_s_a672dec33780d19 profile image
Santosh S

Looks great! Will reach out to you

aladinyo profile image

sure man, you can reach out any time

jason_woodman_33baec30c88 profile image
Jason Woodman

One of the best React open source projects, thanks for contributing to the community, I'm gonna study your code 👨‍💻🫡

aladinyo profile image

thanks man I appreciate your support, I'm here if you got questions about the code

zack_martin_19583cafe422c profile image
Zack Martin

Wow this is truly amazing, I'm impressed, I think this web app can even be integrated with SAAS platform, well done 👏 ✔️

aladinyo profile image

yeah sure you can do that as the code is open source, also don't hesitate to contact me to understand the code and thanks for the github star