DEV Community

Alexander Osadchy
Alexander Osadchy

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Participation in Hacktoberfest 2023

An image of @alei1180's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile

First participation in the Hacktoberfest

This is not the first time I have contributed to open-source projects that interest me. Therefore, having learned about such a holiday as a Hacktoberfest, I received a good charge and the mood to spend a productive October, which happened to be my study leave.

Organize ideas

I competently distributed the main tasks into a free project, which I had long wanted to solve but put aside. It was nice to realize that with each new revision the project gets better.


In the process of work, I was able to improve my skills in the approach to finalizing finished projects. When faced with a problem and solving it, you gain invaluable skills and experience.

I thank the organizers for Hacktoberfest - you are the best!

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