Discover how to create compelling SaaS marketing pages using ChatGPT-driven design with SaasRock v0.8.3 so you can leverage AI technology to make your marketing pages more engaging and relevant for your audience.
Check out part 5 here.
Chapter 6
- SEO Meta Tags
- Landing Page Blocks
- Generating the Landing Page with ChatGPT
1. SEO Meta Tags
I first want to describe what my SaaS does using the “app/modules/pageBlocks/utils/defaultSeoMetaTags.ts” meta tags: title, description, keywords, image, thumbnail, twitterSite, and twitterCreator.
export const siteTags: MetaTagsDto = {
- title: "SaasRock | The One-Man SaaS Framework",
- description:"Quick start your MVP with out-of-the-box SaaS features like Authentication, Pricing & Subscriptions, Admin & App portals, Entity Builder (CRUD, API, Webhooks, Permissions, Logs...), Blogging, CRM, Email Marketing, Page Block Builder, Notifications, Onboarding, and more.",
- keywords: "remix,saas,tailwindcss,prisma,react,typescript,boilerplate,saas-kit,saas-boilerplate,stripe,postmark,admin-portal,app-dashboard,multi-tenancy",
- image: "",
- thumbnail: "",
- twitterSite: "@saas_rock",
+ title: "Délega | Gestión de cumplimiento",
+ description: "Gestión de cumplimiento de proveedores especializados. Firma tus contratos y gestiona evidencia de documentación legal de proveedores como Opinión de Cumplimiento SAT, INFONAVIT, IMSS y documentación para REPSE .",
+ keywords: "administracion de proveedores, cumplimiento de proveedores, proveedores, proveedores de servicios, documentacion, gestion de documentos, firma de contratos, contrato digital, infonavit, imss, sat, repse, cumplimiento",
+ image: "",
+ thumbnail: "",
+ twitterSite: "@delega_app",
twitterCreator: "@AlexandroMtzG",
2. Landing Page Blocks
SaasRock has a built-in page blocks builder, read more about this here or watch the demo video.
The default landing page looks something like this:
export function defaultLandingPage({ t }: { t: TFunction }) {
const blocks: PageBlockDto[] = [
// Banner
banner: {
style: "top",
text: "SaasRock v0.8.2 🎉 + Entity Code Generator 🚀",
cta: [{ text: t("front.changelog.title"), href: "/changelog", isPrimary: true }],
// Header
header: defaultHeader,
// Hero
hero: {
style: "simple",
headline: t("front.hero.headline1"),
description: t("front.hero.headline2"),
image: "",
cta: [
text: t(""),
href: "/pricing",
isPrimary: true,
text: t(""),
href: "/docs",
isPrimary: false,
topText: {
text: t("front.hero.subheadline1"),
bottomText: {
link: {
text: t("front.hero.hint"),
href: "/changelog",
I have already implemented the following blocks:
I could update the “defaultLadingPage” object manually, or...
3. Generating the Landing Page with ChatGPT
Having configured the meta tags, I can now toggle the “?editMode=true” on the landing page, and click on the ChatGPT icon to automatically generate the existing blocks. It will open up a modal to specify the context. See in the following image, the meta tags are automatically loaded.
I forgot to update the OpenAPI key env variable (OPENAI_API_KEY). You can get yours here:
After restarting the server so the .env variable loads, and about 30 seconds, I now have a fully functional landing page:
A few things about this generated landing page:
- The landing page was generated in Spanish since my meta tags are in that language.
- I can click on the top button “Download Blocks” and paste them into the “defaultLandingPage” block array.
- I can add custom details before generating the blocks (e.g. For the Food Industry).
- About 70% of the time, it works. Sometimes the ChatGPT-3.5-turbo model returns content in an incorrect format and the block data cannot be parsed (JSON format).
- If I didn’t like a block, I could generate it again. Each block has its own ChatGPT icon. And I can inspect the response (or ERROR) by clicking on it.
Another example for the Features block.
Parameters: “SaaS for restaurants, 6 features, formal, innovative”.
You can even generate full startup ideas with this 👀!!!
End Result
By utilizing ChatGPT-driven design with SaasRock, you can create impressive SaaS marketing copy that matters to your target audience.
There are even more exciting possibilities for the future of SaasRock and ChatGPT-driven design. A potential feature to be implemented in a future SaasRock release is a ChatGPT-Driven variant generator. This enhancement would not only generate the copy for your SaaS marketing pages but also create different variants for each element, such as a more captivating Hero design or a nicer Features list/grid.
I used SaasRock v0.8.3, released on April 4th, 2023
What’s next?
In chapter 7, I’ll cover Migrating from SaasRock Core to Enterprise:
- Switching to SaasRock Enterprise
- Creating an Onboarding flow
- Page view & Event tracking
And more SaasRock Enterprise features.
Follow me & SaasRock or subscribe to my newsletter to stay tuned!
Top comments (1)
I found this post incredibly insightful! As someone deeply involved in SaaS marketing, I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to have a good SEO consultant for SaaS on your team. They help craft content that resonates with potential customers and ensure that our marketing pages rank well on search engines. This visibility can significantly impact lead generation and overall growth. Utilizing tools like ChatGPT for copywriting is a fantastic approach, but pairing it with solid SEO strategies takes your marketing efforts to the next level. Great work on this series!