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Alexandre C.
Alexandre C.

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How to submit for review your iOS and Android applications with EAS and React Native

With EAS you can submit for review your React Native app, directly from terminal. No need to do it manually from the stores dashboards.


For both iOS and Android you should have filled in the required fields and have created a new app from the dashboards. You can follow this guide to understand how to proceed for iOS, and this guide for Android.

Also, you must have installed the EAS CLI. You can refer to this guide to see how to proceed


For iOS you need to configure the eas.json file as follow

"submit": {
    "production": {
      "ios": {
        "appleId": "",
        "ascAppId": "123456789",
        "appleTeamId": "1AB2C3D45E"
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Apple ID is the username of your Apple Developer Account, the email that you use to connect to your Apple account

ascAppID is the App Store Connect unique application Apple ID number. You can find it under App Information section when you created your app on App Store Connect


appleTeamId is your Apple Developer Team ID. You can find it under you Profile settings

apple team ID

When eas.json file is configured correctly, open a terminal and run

eas submit --platform ios
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That's all your app should be submitted for review. You can refer to the official documentation to get more information and configuration.


For Android the steps are different, you need to create a Google Service Account and download its JSON private key


Your Android app must have been submitted manually once before.

Create a Google Service Account

You need to connect to your Google Cloud Console, select your project and search for the Services Accounts section, then click Create Service Account

create service account

You can fill in the required fields as follow

service account details

Then you need to select a role for your service account. Choose Service Account User and click Done button.

service account user

When you are back on the services accounts dashboard you need to create a new key for your service account

new key

Then create a new key
new key

And choose JSON format

json format

You can download the json file and rename it as you want. I recommend name it service_account.json for better clarity.

Start the submission

Now that you have the JSON service account file you need to like it to your project. At the root of your project upload your service account json file

And configure your eas.json file as follow

"submit": {
    "production": {
      "android": {
        "serviceAccountKeyPath": "./service_account.json",
        "track": "production"
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Don't forget to add service_account.json file to your .gitignore !

You can now submit your app to Play Store

eas submit --platform android

You can refer to the official documentation for more information and configuration

Final eas.json file

Your final eas.json file should look like this
eas config

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