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Mezon Router: middleware and parameters modification

Types of middlewares that you can add which will be called before the route handler will be executed. This middleware can transform common parameters $route and $parameters into something different.

  • Multiple global middlewares that will be called in order of attachment
  • Multiple route specific middlewares that will be called in order of attachment

Order of execution of the middlewares

  1. Global middlewares $router->addRoute('*', ...)
  2. Before calling route callback $router->addRoute('/example', ...) all those matching the route will be executed

Let's look at a simple example:

$router = new Router();
$router->addRoute('/user/[i:id]', function(string $route, array $parameters){
    $userModel = new UserModel();
    $userObject = $userModel->getUserById($parameters['id']);

    // use $userObject for any purpose you need
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Now let's watch an example with all the possibilities

$router = new Router();

// First step. We have an API that talks JSON, convert the body
$router->registerMiddleware('*', function (string $route, array $parameters){
    $request = Request::createFromGlobals();

    $parameters['_request'] = $request;
    $parameters['_body'] = json_decode($request->getContent(), true);

    return $parameters;    

// Second step. Ensure that we are logged in when we are in the private area
$router->registerMiddleware('*', function (string $route, array $parameters){
    // Is not a private area
    if (mb_strpos($route, '/user') !== 0 || empty($parameters['user_id'])) {
        return $parameters;

    $token = $parameters['_request']->headers->get('oauth_token');

    $auth = new SomeAuth();

    // We don't need to return nothing

// Last step. Now we will modify the parameters so the handler can work with them
$router->registerMiddleware('/user/[i:user_id]', function(string $route, array $parameters){
    $userModel = new UserModel();

    return $userModel->getUserById(

// Final destination. We have ended the middlewares, now we can work with the processed data
$router->addRoute('/user/[i:user_id]', function (UserObject $userObject){
    // Do everything
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Learn more

More information can be found here:

Mezon Framework

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