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Ali Ozzaim
Ali Ozzaim

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Fixing vue-js-modal Library for Vue 3: A Guide to Restoring Modal Functionality

In one of my Vue 2 projects, I utilized the vue-js-modal library. However, after migrating the project from Vue 2 to Vue 3, the modal didn’t work properly. Despite extensive research, I couldn't find any documentation or discussions addressing this issue, which led me to write this article.

In this article, I will share the changes I made to adapt vue-js-modal for Vue 3. I hope you find these insights helpful!

First, please review the GitHub thread and apply the changes suggested here:

After following the suggestions from the GitHub thread, you might still encounter issues with the modal in your Vue 3 project. To fully resolve these problems, I made several changes to the PluginCore.js and Plugin.js files. Below, you'll find the details of these changes.

Changes in Plugin.js
Modify the plugin:

import Modal from './components/Modal.vue'
import Dialog from './components/Dialog.vue'
import PluginCore from './PluginCore'

const Plugin = {
  install(app, options = {}) {
    if (app.config.globalProperties.$modal) {

    const plugin = PluginCore(options)

    app.config.globalProperties.$modal = plugin
    app.provide('$modal', plugin)

      mounted() {
        if (this.$root === this) {
          if (!plugin.context.root) {

     * Sets custom component name (if provided)
    app.component(plugin.context.componentName, Modal)

     * Registration of <Dialog/> component
    if (options.dialog) {
      const componentName = options.dialogComponentName || 'VDialog'
      app.component(componentName, Dialog)

export default Plugin

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Changes in PluginCore.js
Imports and Initialization:

Replace the existing imports and initialization with the following:

import { h, render, createVNode } from 'vue';

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Show Dynamic Modal:

Update the logic for showing dynamic modals:

const showDynamicModal = (
    modalProps = componentSlots || {},
) => {
    const container = context.root?.__modalContainer;
    const defaults = options.dynamicDefaults || {};

    if (!container) {
        console.warn('Modal container not found. Make sure the dynamic modal container is set.');
        { ...defaults, ...modalProps },

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Set Dynamic Modal Container:

Modify the function responsible for setting the modal container:

const setDynamicModalContainer = (root) => {
    context.root = root;

    if (!root) {
        console.warn('Root component is undefined. Make sure the root instance is passed correctly.');

    const element = createDivInBody();

    const vnode = createVNode(ModalsContainer);
    vnode.appContext = root.$.appContext;

    try {
        return render(vnode, element);
    } catch (error) {
        console.error('Error rendering vnode:', error);

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Final Changes in ModalsContainer.vue
As part of the migration to Vue 3, it was necessary to make a specific adjustment in the ModalsContainer.vue component.

Updating Event Listeners:

In the ModalsContainer.vue file, remove the existing v-on="$listeners" directive and replace it with:

v-on="modal.componentListeners" || {}
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This change should be made at line number 13.

By making these adjustments, you should be able to successfully migrate the vue-js-modal library to work seamlessly with Vue 3. I hope these steps help you resolve any remaining issues with your modals! If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask in the comments section. Additionally, I would appreciate any feedback or insights you have, so feel free to leave your comments below updated repo


Top comments (1)

euvl profile image
Yev Vlasenko

Hey Ali, great stuff, do you think you could make a pull request for vue-js-modal? I'm not using vue for quite a few years but will be great to get that into the package.
