Studying an interview challenge related to converting a matrix to a symmetric matrix with minimum insert operations led me to another matrix challenge: matrix transpose. So I found the problem on LeetCode and decided to share my solution.
The problem is simple:
"Given a 2D integer array matrix, return the transpose of matrix."
Discussing a solution
According to the problem statement, "The transpose of a matrix is the matrix flipped over its main diagonal, switching the matrix's row and column indices."
Starting from that assumption what we're trying to do, in other words, is:
transposed[row][column] = matrix[column][row]
So for a 2D matrix there is an index for each row and each column, in that order: [row][column]
. After switching the indexes of the original matrix, which will be [column][row]
, we assign it to its respective position in the new matrix transposed
leading up to the expression written above.
For example, let's consider the input matrix = [[1, 2, 4], [5, 7, 8]]
. In the first iteration of the solution to be presented we add a new array to transposed
, which will be a new row in the transposed matrix. That means for the number of existing columns in the original matrix len(matrix[0])
we will add a new row. So at the end of the first for loop we have this:
transposed = [[]]
Then in the second for loop we add the element matrix[column][row]
to the first row in the transposed matrix. This element comes from the first row and first column of the original matrix: matrix[0][0]
. So we're adding the element 1
to transposed
, which is now transposed = [[1]]
. After that our code goes to the second iteration in the second for loop and the element to be added will be matrix[0][1]
, which is 5
. So the new matrix becomes transposed = [[1, 5]]
. The process is repeated for every column of the original matrix until we get the final result of the transposed matrix, which will be transposed = [[1, 5], [2, 7], [4, 8]]
Here is a Python solution based on the logic discussed above:
def transpose(matrix):
transposed = []
for row in range(len(matrix[0])):
for column in range(len(matrix)):
return transposed
# or a one line solution following the same logic but removing creating a new array:
def transpose(matrix):
return [[matrix[column][row] for column in range(len(matrix))] for row in range(len(matrix[0]))]
And the same solution in JavaScript:
const transpose = (matrix) => {
const transposed = [];
for (const row in matrix[0]) {
for (const column of matrix) {
return transposed;
For more details on the solution such as time and space complexity, check out my contribution to LeetCode The Hard Way.
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