" A breakthrough in Machine Learning would be worth ten Microsofts" -Bill Gates
The above quote from Bill Gates emphasizes the importance of Machine Learning and why should we know about it. It is technology one must be aware of and at least know the basics. In the near future, most of our devices are going to be affected by this technology.
As we know that first a baby learns to crawl, then it gradually walks and after a fair amount of time it starts to run. This process is also reflected in the learning of any new technology.
So here I am presenting 10 best posts from DEV which will help you take the baby steps in learning Machine Learning. Slowly and gradually we will be at a stage where we will be building huge Machine Learning models and deploying it in the real world.
Introduction and Summary
This post beautifully explains the Machine Learning terms and summarizes them with the help of infographics. It has covered almost all the definitions of Machine Learning.

A Layman's Guide To Machine learning,AI and Deep Learning
Sri07-spec ・ Jun 1 '20
Meeting the ML algorithms
This post has introduced us to the 5 most popular Machine Learning algorithms namely Linear regression, Logistic regression, Naive Bayes, KNN, and Random forest.

Top 5 Machine Learning Algorithms You Need to Know
Lizzie Siegle for Twilio ・ Mar 24 '20
First ML algorithm you learn
Linear regression is the first algorithm that most of us learn during our course of learning ML. In this post the author has very elegantly and concisely explained this algorithm.

Introduction to Linear Regression in Python
Lorraine for Next Tech ・ Feb 8 '19
The more you learn the better you are
This post is another gem from the vast sea of blogs of DEV. It has gracefully described another ML algorithm K-Means Clustering. It is one of the most popular unsupervised Machine Learning algorithms.

Simple Machine Learning, Intro to K-Means Clustering
Ryland G ・ Jun 20 '19
Tools are a must
How has the discovery of wheel affected the human evolution? Answering this question helps us identify the importance of tools in our life. scikit-learn is a must-know tool for ML beginners. This is a basic guide to the scikit-learn python library.

What is scikit learn — a beginner guide to popular machine learning Python library
Duomly ・ Dec 27 '19
What goes behind Machine Learning
Machine learning is basically Mathematics and Statistics in disguise. We must know mathematics to better understand the concepts of ML.

Basic Mathematics for Machine Learning
Rohit Patil ・ Jun 9 '19
A complete meal
The above mentioned posts are just small size appetizers. Here I present to you the complete meal. This 7 part series will help you master the basics in one go. It has all the components mixed well enough to fulfill your hunger for knowledge on ML.

Beginning with Machine Learning - Part 1
Apoorva Dave ・ Feb 13 '19
The other BIG guy
Neural networks is another entity that must be mastered to become an ML expert. This two-part series alluringly explains Artificial Neural Networks and then gradually progresses to Convolutional Neural Networks, which is the most heavily used image classification algorithm. It's a must-read post and need of the hour.
Talk of the town
Here the author has nicely described the deep learning algorithms and its uses. Deep learning is the talk of the town in ML community. It is the newest but mostly used member of ML models.

Deep Learning Basics: A Crash Course
Lorraine for Next Tech ・ Nov 21 '19
Lets apply our LEARNING
After a lot of theoretical and basic content, it's now our turn to make our hands dirty by engaging in some practicality. This post has a collection of ML models for beautiful small projects which you can try to build yourself.
🤖 Interactive Machine Learning Experiments
Oleksii Trekhleb ・ May 5 '20
I have tried my level best to bring cherry-picked content for the people of #DEVCommunity who are interested in Machine Learning. Happy Learning and please don't forget to upvote and bookmark this post if you liked it.
Also, I would request the people to follow the tag
Top comments (4)
Thanks @lizziepika @sri07spec @lorrli274 @taillogs @duomly @rohitpatil5 @apoorvadave @nestedsoftware @trekhleb for contributing such awesome Machine Learning posts on DEV
Great post @amananandrai
I loved the transition and the flow. You described important topics with a highlighted best ML post from the DEV.
Thanks @mayankjoshi . Glad you liked it.
Good post, I hope you will keep creating great content!
Thanks for including Duomly into your mind :)