What is a "newsletter sponsorship manager" you say? Well, think a scheduling/appointment app, but for your newsletter's issues and their sponsorships slots.
The Roadmap (I hope so)
The following will serve as a high-level roadmap for the features that will exist.
The application will have 2 set of features, 2 types of users:
- Creators (people that have a newsletter)
- Sponsors (people/companies that want to sponsor a newsletter issue)
For our Creators we need the following:
- Specify interval of newsletter issues (this to automatically create availability)
- Create one-off issues
- Define amount of sponsors per issue (might allow only one for v1, related sponsor slot tiers)
- Unique link to your newsletter "calendar" for sharing (think Calendly)
- Receive payment
- Sponsorship confirmation step (maybe only for first-time sponsors)
For our Sponsors we need the following:
- Sponsor an issue (duh)
- Send copy
- Track sponsored issues
- Send payment
There is one extra feature that I would love to build, but might be a bit too much for the duration of the hackathon and my time constraint, but maybe I can do it.
What I want is an automatic way to detect when an issue is sent and update the information (and maybe notify the sponsor). For this I'm thinking about a special email address they can add to their mailing list and then detect the sent issue.
Tech Stack
The stack used its going to be something boring simple:
Newsletter Sponsorships Management
To start your Phoenix server:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.setup
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
inside theassets
directory - Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phx.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
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