"Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities. They vary in their desires to reach thier potential."
--John Maxwell.
Starting off with the this quote because this would remind me and anyone who reads, that it's just the matter of putting efforts for achieving your goal. 🎯
Hi, this is me, Amruta, a college student who is very much an expert of procrastination, as every other student out there. But this is not a good thing to be flexing about. 😅
And so I have been thinking about this, but what it ended up with was blaming all the negatives around me and avoiding the things that I should be actually doing. 🥱
But the quote above is the simplest answer to all the procrastination and worries as a newbie in this IT Sector I have. 😌
It made me realize that doing a bit of work makes you a lot more happier than avoiding it and having fun wasting your time here & there. 😃
And so, I would like to tell you all, from my experience, that it's okay to be doing something small at the start but it should be worth giving your time and helpful for your future, just like the smallest ants work hard for every single grain of sugar, we must keep doing things and once you are prepared, there is nothing that would stop you from getting the best of what you deserve. 📈
And as my small step towards my goal I will be writing about the things that I have learned so far in a way that won't make you scratch your head but in a way that will help you to understand things easily. ✒️
I will be writing about Web-Develpoment in simple and easy to understand terms.I hope you would enjoy it ☺️.
Top comments (4)
Hi Amruta, first of all, welcome to the Dev. 🎉
You got a very well thought process. I agree with all of your points and wish you good luck with your goals. 👍🏻
I'm also curious about the tech stack that you would be covering with your Web Dev articles.
I like your positivity. Good luck!