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Anas Dew
Anas Dew

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This is The Fastest and Simplest Chrome Extension on the Chrome Web Store!

Building a Chrome extension for the first time is an exciting experience.

It's a feeling of accomplishment to see your idea come to life and be available to the public. That's what happened to me when I built my first-ever chrome extension, and

I'm proud to say it's now live on the Chrome Web Store.

The extension I built is a productivity tool that can help anyone who wants to get more done in less time. It's fast, simple, and easy to use. The reason for its simplicity is that it follows the principle of the VIM text editor. It means that the extension is entirely keyboard-based, so you can do everything using your keyboard.

chrome extention

The best part is that the extension doesn't require any personal data from the user. It's completely offline and secure, so you don't have to worry about any data breaches. The extension is built to help people get things done, not to steal their information.

One of the most significant features of the extension is its ability to send notifications for pending tasks. If you have a to-do list, this feature will help you stay on track and make sure that you're completing your tasks on time.

chrome extension

The extension is called TodoStack, and it's available for free on the Chrome Web Store. It's the perfect tool for anyone who wants to be more productive and get things done quickly. TodoStack is my brainchild, and I'm happy to see it help others in their daily lives.

If you're interested in trying out TodoStack, head over to to get started. It's a great way to start your day on the right foot and be more productive.

With TodoStack, you'll be able to accomplish more in less time and make the most out of your day.

In conclusion,

building a chrome extension is a great way to share your ideas with the world. My experience building TodoStack has been fantastic, and I'm proud to see it finally live on the Chrome Web Store.

If you're looking for a productivity chrome extension or a todo app, give TodoStack a try. It's fast, simple, and keyboard-based, making it the perfect tool for anyone looking to get things done.

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