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From Travel Agent To Frontend Developer.

After five years working as a travel agent in two of the largest agencies in Sweden, the world went upside down. Covid-19 was the most common word on everybody's lips. The travel industries stopped and so did the agency's bookings. It was time for me to move on, look forward and start a new journey.

I asked myself what my priorities are. I am a curious, creative person and I would like to include that in my daily work. I want a job with a good future, with the possibility to not only work long days at the office I wanted to have the possibility to work remotely.

I found a 4-day online course to try if coding was something for me. Even though I thought this profession was for the supersmart, nerdy people - I loved it. I always think if he or she can do it, of course, I can do it!

I jumped on the super intense 24-weeks boot camp with Technigo on remote to become a frontend developer and here I am halfway through. The last weeks have been a rollercoaster with ups and downs but every Sunday I hand in a new good working project.

Something that was challenging, in the beginning, was how to start thinking like a developer. I learned as a travel agent that there is one way to do things. One way to book a safari tour, one way to book a piece of extra luggage, and one way to rebook a flight. But in a world full of code there is plenty of ways to code and get the same outcome. There is no right or wrong as long as it runs, but of course, there is something called clean code.

Another thing I thought was difficult, and I still do, is that it's ok to use Google when I don't have the answer to solving a problem. I'm still learning that it's OK to copy the code and that there is no such word as stealing.

Good artists borrow, great artists steal — Pablo Picasso 😎

Top comments (1)

ronnewcomb profile image
Ron Newcomb

I really do think coding gets a bad rap for being harder than it actually is.

Congrats and welcome to the club!