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Andreas Bergström
Andreas Bergström

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Easily style active links in Tanstack Router

UI/UX has both high hanging and low hanging fruits, and this is certainly one of the more low hanging ones to enhance the experience. A main navigation, be it a navbar or a navigation tree on either side, that indicates where in it the user is currently browsing is one of the more basic things. This is perhaps also the oldest UX tool the web has, dating back to the first HTML pages and browsers in the 90's.

TanStack Router, liked for its typesafe approach that borrows lots of ideas from Vue/Angular routers, offers a smooth solution to this UI necessity through the activeProps attribute of its Link element. This attribute allows developers to apply specific styles to active links, enhancing the navigation experience. Let's delve into a practical example to see activeProps in action.

Constructing the Navigation Component

In our scenario, we'll construct a MainNav component to render a navigation menu with two items: Dashboard and Messages.

import { dashboardRoute, threadsRoute } from '@/Router'
import { Link } from '@tanstack/react-router'

export function MainNav() {
  const menuItems = [
    { name: 'Dashboard', path: dashboardRoute.fullPath },
    { name: 'Messages', path: messagesRoute.fullPath },

  return (
    <nav className='hidden md:flex items-center space-x-4 lg:space-x-6 mx-4 text-gray-500'>
      { => {
        return (
            className='text-sm font-medium transition-colors hover:text-black'
            activeProps={{ className: 'text-black' }}
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here’s a breakdown of the key parts in the code snippet above:

  1. We defined a MainNav function component.
  2. We created an array menuItems to store our navigation items, where each item has a name and a path.
  3. Within the nav element, we iterated over menuItems to generate Link elements for each navigation item.
  4. For each Link element, we applied common styling via the className attribute and used the activeProps attribute to specify the styling for active links. When a link is active, the text-black class is applied, changing its text color to black.

The activeProps attribute offers a neat and intuitive way to style active links, improving user orientation and the overall user experience. The use of activeProps in TanStack Router's Link element demonstrates a practical solution for achieving a polished, user-friendly navigation system.

For further insights and use-cases, refer to the official TanStack documentation on Navigation.

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