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Want to develop real time app

Hey guys, this is kind of a newbie question.
So right now, I'm not too much experienced with MERN (Mongo, Express, React NodeJS) development... I mean I've made some projects but that's it. I want to develop a real-time app and I suggested MERN as the solution for this app, even though I don't know too much about, I thought I would be much easier to get started. My question is: Do you guys think it will be harder for me developing this app with very few knowledge? and What topics should I learn more about before diving into it?

Thanks a lot

Top comments (2)

glebirovich profile image
Gleb Irovich

If you fee more comfortable with writing frontend code, Hasura and GraphQL can be a very good starting point.
Hasura is a Postgresql adapter that can be deployed to the cloud in one click, it also provides a CRUD UI. So what's left is to consume data with 0 backend.
It supports WebSocket out of the box so you can use subscribe queries, which very simple and fun to use!

0xkoji profile image

not sure what you want to create exactly, but I guess you will need to use websocket for that
or if you use firebase, you can focus on your frontend which is a react app.

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