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Andy Haskell
Andy Haskell

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Build a basic web app with IndexedDB

IndexedDB is a NoSQL database that you can use on every major browser to store lots of data and query it like you would in a database like MongoDB. If you’re making a web app or browser extension that stores lots of data and you want many ways to query those data, IndexedDB is where it’s at!

In this tutorial, we’re going to make a simple no-frameworks sticky note web app as an overview of the concepts you should know working with IndexedDB. For a more in-depth look, Mozilla Developer Network’s Using IndexedDB is another great overview, and I also recommend, which focuses more on the API methods.

You can find the code for this tutorial here, and part 2 of this tutorial on adding test coverage to your IDB code is here.

Why should I use IndexedDB in my web app?

Like I said up top, two reasons you might choose IndexedDB over local storage are:

  • No size limit; if your app works with lots of data, more than the few megabytes you get with local and session storage, IndexedDB lets you store loads of data.
  • Structured storage; you can store objects in IndexedDB object stores and query for them using their fields.

These are also advantages you can get storing data on servers, so if your project has a backend, you can always just store your data there. But if you’re making an offline-first web app or one without a backend, IndexedDB is a great choice for your stack. For example, I’m working on an browser extension to make a graph of your tabs for a visual, interactive web history. For that I wanted to be able to store a lot of tabs, retrieve them in chronological order, and the app has no web backend, so IndexedDB is a perfect fit!

Making our database

Okay let’s start making our app! To start, make a folder named indexeddb-tutorial, and in a file named db.js, add this code, which will make our database!

let db;
let dbReq ='myDatabase', 1);

dbReq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
  // Set the db variable to our database so we can use it!  
  db =;

  // Create an object store named notes. Object stores
  // in databases are where data are stored.
  let notes = db.createObjectStore('notes', {autoIncrement: true});
dbReq.onsuccess = function(event) {
  db =;

dbReq.onerror = function(event) {
  alert('error opening database ' +;

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To run the JavaScript, put this code in a file named index.html and open it in Chrome:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <head><title>IndexedDB note store</title></head>
    <div id="app"><h1>Coming soon</h1></div>
    <script src="db.js"></script>

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Now in Chrome, go to developer tools, click the application tab, and then click IndexedDB in the left bar, you can see that the database was created!

Screenshot of our IndexedDB panel with our database and object store created

Cool! We have a database named myDatabase, and there’s an object store (a collection of items, similar to a SQL table or a collection in MongoDB) named notes. But that seemed like a lot of code for just creating the database and store. So what’s going on there?

In the first couple lines

let db;
let dbReq ='myDatabase', 1);

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We open version 1 of a database named myDatabase, but doesn’t return a database, it returns a request for a database because IndexedDB is an asynchronous API. IndexedDB code runs behind the scenes so if we do something like store thousands of items, the rest of your web app won’t stop running its JavaScript waiting for that to complete. So in the rest of the code we listen for when our database is ready for us with event listeners:

dbReq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
  db =;
  let notes = db.createObjectStore('notes', {autoIncrement: true});

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myDatabase didn’t previously exist, so it’s automatically created and then the onupgradeneeded event fires. In an onupgradeneeded callback, and only in that callback, we can create a database’s object stores. So first, with db =, we set the variable db to hold our database. Then, we create one object store named notes.

dbReq.onsuccess = function(event) {
  db =;

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Over here, onsuccess fires after onupgradeneeded completes and it also fires if we refresh the page and open the database again. So there too, we run db = to get our database so we can use it.

dbReq.onerror = function(event) {
  alert('error opening database ' +;

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Finally, if something goes wrong on any IndexedDB request, its onerror event fires so you can handle the error however you see fit. We’re just going to do an alert.

Put some data into the database

Well we’ve got our database, but we can’t do much with it without data. Let’s write a function to add a sticky note!

function addStickyNote(db, message) {
  // Start a database transaction and get the notes object store
  let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readwrite');
  let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

  // Put the sticky note into the object store
  let note = {text: message, timestamp:};

  // Wait for the database transaction to complete
  tx.oncomplete = function() { console.log('stored note!') }
  tx.onerror = function(event) {
    alert('error storing note ' +;

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To see this in action, let’s put a set of three calls to our function into our dbReq.onsuccess so they run once the database is ready:

dbReq.onsuccess = function(event) {
  db =;

  // Add some sticky notes
  addStickyNote(db, 'Sloths are awesome!');
  addStickyNote(db, 'Order more hibiscus tea');
  addStickyNote(db, 'And Green Sheen shampoo, the best for sloth fur algae grooming!');

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Now refresh index.html in your browser, go to Application > IndexedDB in developer tools again, click on the object store, and let’s see our data!

Screenshot of our IndexedDB panel with our objects stored

Now we have some data stored! And as you can see, our sticky notes in the notes object store are stored as JavaScript objects. So what was going on in that code?

let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readwrite');
let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

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First we start a transaction on our database to write data to our notes object store, and then we retrieve that object store from the transaction.

let note = {text: message, timestamp:};

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We represent the sticky note as a JavaScript object and store it in the object store by calling the function store.add.

tx.oncomplete = function() { console.log('stored note!') }
tx.onerror = function(event) {
  alert('error storing note ' +;

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Finally, just like our open database request, this transaction has event listeners; we listen for the action of storing the note either finishing or erroring with the transaction’s oncomplete and onerror listeners.

Something else worth noting about our sticky notes is that each one has a number for its Key that counts up. So if you stored another note after those three, its key would be 4. Where did those numbers come from? In IndexedDB, all objects in an object store have a key identifying them, and when we created the object store with the line:

let notes = db.createObjectStore('notes', {autoIncrement: true});

the autoIncrement option says that we want every object in the store to have a key that counts up. You can also make object stores with string keys if it makes more sense to store and retrieve objects by a unique name (for example a UUID could be a string key for an object store, or if you had an object store of sloths, you could identify each sloth by a string encoding of the tone of their squeak as the key).

Now let’s add this addStickyNote function to our actual web app so a user can click to submit sticky notes. We need a text box to submit notes to, so in the div with the id app, add these tags:

<div id="textbox">
  <textarea id="newmessage"></textarea>
  <button onclick="submitNote()">Add note</button>

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And add this function to db.js that runs every time a user submits a note:

function submitNote() {
  let message = document.getElementById('newmessage');
  addStickyNote(db, message.value);
  message.value = '';

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Now get rid of the calls to addStickyNote in dbReq.onsuccess and then if we go to index.html and type something into our textarea, we’ll see notes being stored in IndexedDB when we click submit!

Before we go on and I show you how to retrieve the data so we can display it, though, let’s take a detour to talk about a central concept to working with IndexedDB, transactions!

Transactions are king in IndexedDB

As you saw in our last example, to access our notes object store we had to run db.transaction to create a transaction, which is a set of one or more requests to the database. Everything in IndexedDB happens through transactions. So storing a sticky note, opening the database, and retrieving your notes are all requests that happen inside transactions.

You can have more than one request in the same transaction too, for example if you’re storing many items in the same object store, all of the store.add requests can be made in the same transaction, like:

function addManyNotes(db, messages) {
  let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readwrite');
  let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

  for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) {
    // All of the requests made from store.add are part of
    // the same transaction
    store.add({text: messages[i], timestamp:});

  // When all of these requests complete, the transaction's oncomplete
  // event fires
  tx.oncomplete = function() {console.log('transaction complete')};

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Just like requests have onsuccess and onerror event handlers, transactions have oncomplete, onerror, and onabort event handlers we can use for responding to a transaction completing, erroring, or being rolled back, respectively.

But what exactly are we getting out of putting every request in a transaction? Remember that IndexedDB is an asynchronous API, so it’s possible to have many requests going on at the same time. Say we had a sticky note in the note store that said “Sloths are awesome”, and we made one request to make the note all-caps and another to add an exclamation point to the note. Without transactions, we could end up with a situation like this:

Two database actions running on the same sticky note without transactions; because there's no transactions, the two actions read the sticky note from the object store before it is updated, and then run their updates, overwriting each other

We start the makeAllCaps and addExclamation actions and both of them retrieve the unmodified “Sloths are awesome” note. addExclamation saves the note with an exclamation point first. makeAllCaps takes longer and it saves the note “SLOTHS ARE AWESOME”, with no exclamation point. The makeAllCaps update completely wipes out the update from addExclamation!

With transactions, though, we get concurrency control. Only one transaction can create, modify, or delete items in an object store at a time, so what really happens in IndexedDB looks more like this:

Two database actions running on the same sticky note with transactions; because we have transactions, the addExclamation transaction does not start untill after the makeAllCaps transaction completes. Therefore, the when the addExclamation transaction reads the sticky note, it has the modification from makeAllCaps

The makeAllCaps transaction starts first, but since addExclamation uses the same object store as makeAllCaps, it does not start until makeAllCaps finishes. So makeAllCaps finishes, addExclamation reads the note in all caps, and then both edits go through! 🎉

That also means if a road was an object store and a streetsweeper and a line painter were running without transactions, the line painter might paint before the streetsweeper moved a branch and you’d get this:

Road with the side line painted around a fallen tree branch, with the word FAIL in all caps

But with IndexedDB running transactions, the streetsweeper can sweep branches out of the road and the line painter can paint lines so sloths can safely go for a bike ride!

Sloth hugging a bike

Before we move on, one other thing to know is that transactions on the same object store only happen one-at-a-time if they’re adding, modifying, or deleting data; in other words they’re readwrite transactions, which are created like this:

let tx = db.transaction(['notes', 'someOtherStore'], 'readwrite');

Here we make a transaction that’s readwrite and say that it affects notes and someOtherStore. Since it’s readwrite, it can’t start until any other transaction touching either of those object stores is done.

While readwrite transactions are one at a time, there are also readonly transactions; you can have as many of them as you want talking to the same object store simultaneously since we don’t need to keep them from messing with each other’s data! You make them like this:

// These transactions can all do their thing at the same time, even with
// overlapping object stores!
let tx = db.transaction(['notes', 'someOtherStore'], 'readonly');
let tx2 = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readonly');
let tx3 = db.transaction(['someOtherStore'], 'readonly');

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Retrieving one sticky note

Now that we know how transactions work and how readonly transactions work, let’s retrieve the sticky notes from the note store so we can display them. If we’re getting just one item from our database, we would use an object store’s get method, like this:

// Set up an object store and transaction
let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readonly');
let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

// Set up a request to get the sticky note with the key 1
let req = store.get(1);

// We can use the note if the request succeeds, getting it in the
// onsuccess handler
req.onsuccess = function(event) {
  let note =;

  if (note) {
  } else {
    console.log("note 1 not found")

// If we get an error, like that the note wasn't in the object
// store, we handle the error in the onerror handler
req.onerror = function(event) {
  alert('error getting note 1 ' +;

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We make a transaction, request the note in the note store with the key 1 to get our request, and then we either use the retrieved note in the request’s onsuccess handler, or we handle an error in the onerror handler if we get an error. Note that if the sticky note does not exist, onsuccess still fires, but will be undefined.

The pattern feels similar to the handler we had for opening the database; we start the request, then get the result in the onsuccess handler or handle an error in the onerror handler. But we don't just want one note, we want to display all the notes. So we need to get all of them, and for that we use a cursor.

Retrieving data with cursors and displaying your sticky notes

Retrieving all the items in the object store has this funky syntax:

function getAndDisplayNotes(db) {
  let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readonly');
  let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

  // Create a cursor request to get all items in the store, which 
  // we collect in the allNotes array
  let req = store.openCursor();
  let allNotes = [];

  req.onsuccess = function(event) {
    // The result of req.onsuccess in openCursor requests is an
    // IDBCursor
    let cursor =;

    if (cursor != null) {
      // If the cursor isn't null, we got an item. Add it to the
      // the note array and have the cursor continue!
    } else {
      // If we have a null cursor, it means we've gotten
      // all the items in the store, so display the notes we got.

  req.onerror = function(event) {
    alert('error in cursor request ' +;

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Running through the function, here are all the steps that happen:

let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readonly');
let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

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At the beginning of the function, we create a readonly transaction on the notes object store. Then we get the store, and then with the store.openCursor() method, we get a request. This means once again we’re working with the request's results with its onsuccess and onerror handlers to handle the results.

Inside the onsuccess handler, the event’s result is an IDBCursor containing the key of the sticky note the cursor is holding, as well as the sticky note itself as the cursor’s value.

let cursor =;
if (cursor != null) {
} else {

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In the if statement, if the cursor isn’t null, that means we have another sticky note, so we add the cursor’s value to our array of notes and continue retrieving notes by calling cursor.continue.

} else {

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But if the cursor is null, there are no more notes to retrieve, so we display the notes by passing them to a displayNotes function.

Hmm, this cursor.continue() thing feels kind of like a while loop, but there’s no looping or control flow going on. So how exactly are we looping? This line will give you a hint:

req.onsuccess = function(event) {

It turns out every time you call cursor.continue(), an event fires and sends the cursor with the next item to the onsuccess handler. So in each onsuccess, we collect another sticky note, until we reach an onsuccess where the cursor is null. That’s how we iterate over our data with cursors.

Now to display these notes, in index.html, after the textbox div, add a div below the text box to store our sticky notes:

<div id="notes"></div>

And in db.js add this function to display the notes:

function displayNotes(notes) {
  let listHTML = '<ul>';
  for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
    let note = notes[i];
    listHTML += '<li>' + note.text + ' ' + 
      new Date(note.timestamp).toString() + '</li>';

  document.getElementById('notes').innerHTML = listHTML;

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That function just converts each note to an <li> tag and displays them as a list with old-school JavaScript.

Now that we have a function to display all the sticky notes, let’s add it in a couple places. We’ll want to be able to see all our sticky notes when we first open the app, so when the database first opens, we should have a call to getAndDisplayNotes in dbReq.onsuccess:

dbReq.onsuccess = function(event) {
  db =;
  // Once the database is ready, display the notes we already have!

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And when you add a sticky note, you should be able to see it right away, so in addStickyNote, let’s change the transaction oncomplete callback to call getAndDisplayNotes:

tx.oncomplete = function() { getAndDisplayNotes(db); }

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Now reopen the page in Chrome and try adding some more notes. It should look something like this!

The web app, showing notes displaying in our list tag, and the textarea containing the message

Now for one last thing, let’s make a mode to see the newest notes first and see why this is called IndexedDB!

Indices, putting the indexed in IndexedDB

We’ve got this sticky note store and we’re storing notes with timestamps, so it should make sense that we should be able to retrieve all sticky notes for a time range (like all sticky notes from the past 10 minutes) or be able to retrieve them with the newest ones first, right?

Well we can, but to be able to query by the timestamp field, we need to give that field in the notes object store an index. Once we have that index, we can query by it. But remember that any changes to the structure of a database need to happen inside a database request’s onupgradeneeded handler, so we need to up the version of our database to create the index, like this:

// We update the version of the database to 2 to trigger
// onupgradeneeded
let dbReq ='myDatabase', 2);
dbReq.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
  db =;

  // Create the notes object store, or retrieve that store if it
  // already exists.
  let notes;
  if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('notes')) {
    notes = db.createObjectStore('notes', {autoIncrement: true});
  } else {
    notes = dbReq.transaction.objectStore('notes');

  // If there isn't already a timestamp index in our notes object
  // store, make one so we can query notes by their timestamps
  if (!notes.indexNames.contains('timestamp')) {
    notes.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp');

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First, we update the version of our database to 2, which indicates that the structure of the database is changing, so that causes the onupgradeneeded event to fire.

Now we have a version upgrade where the notes object store already existed before, so we check if there’s already a notes store with db.objectStoreNames:

if (!db.objectStoreNames.contains('notes')) {

and if that object store is already there, we retrieve it with dbReq.transaction.objectStore:

notes = dbReq.transaction.objectStore('notes');

Finally, we add an index with createIndex:

notes.createIndex('timestamp', 'timestamp');

The first parameter is the name of our index, and the second is the index’s keyPath. An index is actually itself an object store, so all items in an index have a key. So if you give an index the keyPath timestamp, then the timestamp of each object in the object store will be its key.

Additionally, there is an optional third options object parameter. Let's say our notes had titles and we wanted to require that a note could not be stored if it had the same title as another note. We could do that by creating a unique title index like this:

notes.createIndex('title', 'title', {unique: true});

To see our new index, once you update onupgradeneeded, refresh index.html in Chrome (you may need to X out of Chrome to see the change), go to Developer Tools > Application > IndexedDB again, and you should be able to see the new timestamp index in your notes object store:

Screenshot of the IndexedDB panel in developer tools, looking at an index in IndexedDB. The timestamps of our sticky notes serve as keys. Indices in IndexedDB are listed in the panel under their object store.

As you can see, the notes are now listed by their timestamps as their primary keys. And in fact, as an object store, an index has the same get and openCursor methods that a regular object store would. For example we could request the first note in that list with a call to:


All right. Now that we’ve got a cool new index, let’s add a mode to our web app to flip the order we display notes in. First, in db.js, add a global bool variable:

let reverseOrder = false;

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Then in getAndDisplayNotes, we just need to update our request so that we are using our timestamp index, and so that we pick which direction we read sticky notes from.

let tx = db.transaction(['notes'], 'readonly');
let store = tx.objectStore('notes');

// Retrieve the sticky notes index to run our cursor query on; 
// the results will be ordered by their timestamp
let index = store.index('timestamp');

// Create our openCursor request, on the index rather than the main
// notes object store. If we're going in reverse, then specify the
// direction as "prev". Otherwise, we specify it as "next".
let req = index.openCursor(null, reverseOrder ? 'prev' : 'next');

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In store.index(), we retrieve the index with the name we request, just like how we retrieve an object store from the transaction. Now we can define a cursor request on that index to get back our notes ordered by the timestamp.

index.openCursor has two optional parameters. The first one, if it isn’t null, lets us specify the range of items we want to retrieve. For example, if we only wanted the sticky notes from the past hour, we could open our cursor like this:

let anHourAgoInMilliseconds = - 60 * 60 * 1000;

// IDBKeyRange is a global variable for defining ranges to query
// indices on
let keyRange = IDBKeyRange.lowerBound(anHourAgoInMilliseconds);
let req = index.openCursor(keyRange, 'next');

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The second parameter is the order we want to retrieve items in, which can be 'prev' or 'next', so we specify our direction by passing in reverseOrder ? 'prev' : 'next'.

Finally, let’s see this in action; in index.html, add another function. This will be for flipping the order of the notes we display:

function flipNoteOrder(notes) {
  reverseOrder = !reverseOrder;

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And to use that flipNoteOrder function from our user interface, in index.html add one more button for flipping the order of the notes.

<button onclick="flipNoteOrder()">Flip note order</button>

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And if you refresh Chrome, your flip button should now work!

Our web app, demonstrating that the flip note order button now works. Textarea contains the message

Cool! Now we can change the order we see notes in! Now you’ve seen the basics of IndexedDB. There are other functionalities we didn’t see in action, like deleting objects, storing binary data in IndexedDB, and multi-field indices, but this should be a good starting point for building web apps with IndexedDB.

As you could see though, the basic IndexedDB API, though powerful, doesn’t really have an ergonomic feel to it. I don’t know about you, but to me, these on event listeners feel inconvenient to reason about, and those handlers also took some thinking my first time figuring out how to give IndexedDB code test coverage. Moreover, how are we supposed to give this API automated test coverage?

In my next couple tutorials, I'll show you how to refactor this code to be testable, and then in a tutorial after that, how to refactor it to be easier to work with! Until next time,

Three-toed sloth climbing on a bar, smiling


Part 2 of this tutorial on test coverage for IndexedDB

[Part 3 of this tutorial is being written]

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Our AI agent was running 10-20 seconds slower than it should, impacting both our own developers and our early adopters. See how I used Sentry Profiling to fix it in record time.

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Top comments (3)

bdarab profile image
bdarab • Edited

Thanks for the effort! But, your code stops working after you try to onclick="submitNote()", with the error message " Uncaught ReferenceError: submitNote is not defined at HTMLButtonElement. onclick (index.html:13)".

And since the codes are chained together, makes it impossible to follow.
And again, since your Github address is also "Not Available", I had no reference to check my code against yours. Even though, I am sure I followed it with no mistakes.
Well, thanks anyway!
It is very difficult to find a good indexedDB coding tutorial. Since even Mozilla MDN's code stops working at some point.

scorcism profile image
Abhishek Pathak

great work, Helped me a lot

rowild profile image
Robert Wildling

Thanks for the tute, but it is quite discouraging that in an article from mid-2019 almost all links provided lead to dead ends... any chance you could update them?

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