Photo by AltumCode on Unsplash
This time, I wanted to practice some HTML and someone recommended freeCodeCamp, it has interesting topics about Basic HTML for beginner and I learned three of them
Comments This is a very important topic to reference sections making notes without affecting output.
The HTML is <!----> and the used this way:
<!--This note is not seen in the output--><h1>Some title</h1>
This is the link I used to learn these HTML elements
Descriptive HTML tags The HTML elements that help your code to be more descriptive and at the same time they help to better sectioning are: nav, section, article, aside, h1..h6, header, footer, address, main
e.g. "main"
<h1>Nice Title</h1>
<p>Some pretty text ❤ </p>
This is the link I used to learn these HTML elements
Add Images to your website
One of the HTML elements I studied to add images from URLs and from local folder is:
<img scr="URL" Alt="image's description"/>
This is the link I used to learn these HTML elements
freeCodeCamp>Basic>Add Images
Any feedback is welcomed
Top comments (2)
This is a great opportunity for you, freeCodeCamp is a great resource you're going to learn a lot. If you're starting in the web dev world I would suggest you to commit to the #100DaysOfCode challenge I heard the results are amazing! Keep it up!
Great keep going