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Anna Baker
Anna Baker

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Frontend VS Backend

I have recently sharpened my knowledge of learning frontend, especially NextJS, and now I'm keen to start learning backend. I think it will be a great way to become a more well-rounded developer. I am excited to learn more about how the backend works and to see how I can use my skills to build better web applications.

What are frontend and backend?

When a user visits a website, the frontend sends a request to the backend for the content that the user wants to see. The backend then retrieves the content from the database and delivers it to the frontend. The frontend then renders the content for the user to see.
The frontend and backend are two sides of the same coin they both need to work together in order for a website to function properly. Without a backend, there would be no content for the frontend to display. And without a frontend, there would be no way for users to interact with the content.

The difference between frontend and backend

The frontend is what the user sees and interacts with. It includes the design, layout, and content of the website. The backend is what powers the frontend. It includes the code that makes the website work.
The frontend is responsible for the design and interactivity of the app. The backend is responsible for storing data, performing logic, and powering the frontend. The frontend is what the user sees and interacts with, while the backend is what powers the frontend.
The difference between frontend and backend can be summarized like this:

  • The frontend is what you see and interact with.
  • The backend is what makes it all work.

Advantages and disadvantages of frontend development

  • One of the main advantages is that frontend developers can code without worrying about the backend. This means that they can code faster and more efficiently.
  • Another advantage of frontend development is that it is relatively easy to learn compared to other types of development. This is because many of the tools and technologies used in frontend development are less complex than those used in backend development.
  • Additionally, there are many online resources, such as tutorials and online courses, that can help you learn frontend development.
  • One of the biggest disadvantages is that frontend developers are reliant on backend developers for data and functionality. This means that if the backend code is not well written, the frontend code will suffer as well.
  • Another disadvantage is that frontend developers have to deal with cross-browser compatibility issues. This means that the website may not look the same in all browsers and devices.

Advantages and disadvantages of backend development

  • One of the main advantages of backend development is that it allows for more flexibility and customizability. This means that you can tailor the website to your specific needs and requirements.
  • Additionally, backend development is often more complex than frontend development, which can lead to more time consuming projects.
  • Also, backend developers are in more demand than frontend developers. This is because backend developers have more skills and knowledge than frontend developers.
  • However, there are also some disadvantages to backend development. First, it can be more difficult to learn than frontend development. This is because there are often more moving parts and complexity involved.
  • Additionally, backend development can take longer to complete than frontend development. This is because there is often more testing and debugging involved in order to ensure that the website works correctly.

Another point of consideration

By google data:

  • The average salary for a junior Frontend developer is $60,521 per year in the United States.
  • The average salary for a senior Frontend developer is $110,224 per year in the United States.
  • The average salary for a junior Backend developer is $75,914 per year in the United States.
  • The average salary for a senior Backend developer is $128,413 per year in the United States.

As for myself, I want to start learning Backend Development because it will allow me to build more powerful and sophisticated web applications. Additionally, Backend Development skills are in high demand, so learning Backend Development will make me more marketable as a web developer.

Top comments (1)

debgeb profile image
Debbie Geb • Edited

IMHO frontend is waste of time as it's easy to learn and become a master in no time, focus on backend, you will live longer.

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