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Anshul Bhartiya
Anshul Bhartiya

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Balance Sheet to Code: How a Commerce Student Becomes an IT Guy!

Forget debits and credits, think algorithms and applications! Many commerce students embark on their academic journey with visions of becoming accounting wizards or financial gurus. However, for some, the allure of technology disrupts those plans, leading them down an unexpected path – the exciting world of IT. This article explores the reasons why commerce students might make this surprising career switch and equips them with the knowledge to navigate this exciting new direction.

From Engineering Dreams to Spreadsheets and Code: A Personal Journey

Like many young minds, I harbored aspirations of becoming an engineer during my early school years. However, as I ventured deeper into my academic journey, my interests took an unexpected turn. By the time I reached high school, the intricacies of science subjects, though I achieved good grades, failed to ignite the same passion as other disciplines. This led me to explore the commerce stream, where I discovered a growing fascination with accounting and statistics. The world of numbers held a certain appeal, and I thrived in this newfound focus.

Despite my delve into commerce, a childhood fascination with technology remained firmly rooted. The inner workings of apps and websites continued to intrigue me. I'd spend hours dissecting how these digital marvels functioned, yearning to understand the magic behind them. While the commerce path offered a clear direction, a nagging curiosity lingered – could I somehow bridge the gap between my interest in business and this captivating world of technology?
The answer, I soon discovered, was a resounding yes! Commerce students, like myself, aren't confined to traditional career paths. The IT field offers a plethora of opportunities for individuals with strong analytical and problem-solving skills, both of which are honed extensively in commerce programs. This revelation ignited a spark of excitement, and I eagerly began exploring the various pathways that could lead me from the world of spreadsheets and debits to the dynamic realm of code and innovation.

This personal story not only showcases your unique journey but also highlights a common concern – can commerce students pursue IT careers?

Finding My Passion: A Kickstart in Tech

Once I began exploring the world of tech more seriously, a whole new level of fascination unfolded. The sheer amount of innovation, the ability to constantly learn and create new things – it was unlike anything I had experienced before. This is where your advice to pursue a field that excites you truly resonates. From the moment I started delving into coding and tech concepts, I knew I was on the right path. It wasn't just about the challenge or the intellectual stimulation; it was the pure enjoyment of the process. Weekends didn't feel like a break from work, they felt like an opportunity to recharge and come back even more excited to explore the endless possibilities of the tech industry. This, for me, is the true definition of finding the right career path – a journey that energizes you, keeps you curious, and never feels like a chore.

Reasons for the Shift: From Commerce to Coding (A Personal Story)

Forget stock options and spreadsheets – commerce students are ditching their suits and ties (or maybe just the ties) for a new adventure: the wild west of the tech industry! It might seem like a strange turn of events, but hold on to your calculators – there's a method to the madness. The tech world isn't just about bean counting (although those analytical skills from accounting class will come in handy); it's about building the next big app, designing interfaces that don't look like they were created in the 90s, and solving problems so complex they'd make even the most seasoned accountant's head spin (in a good way, hopefully). So, while your classmates might be prepping for their CPA exams, you'll be learning how to code – a skill that's way cooler than memorizing arcane tax codes (and let's be honest, probably more useful in the long run). Don't worry, your commerce background isn't a dead end – it's more like a secret passage to a world of innovation, creativity, and potentially, self-cleaning robot vacuums (because who has time for chores when you can code them away?).

Want to connect? Let's chat about code, or anything else that sparks your developer curiosity!

Twitter: Bhartiyaanshul
LinkedIn: anshulbhartiya

Top comments (1)

ridham_jain_ profile image
Ridham Jain

Really amazed by your story! ✨