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6 Ways To Improve As A Developer

While reflecting on the ongoing 2nd quarter, I decided to list my routing as a Developer 👩‍💻 , these steps have continually supported me every single time.

📚 Learn & Re-learn -> Read books, blogs, articles and online resources.

📽 Solve Coding Challenges -> Platforms like Leetcode Challenge, HackerRank, or CodeSignal.

👩‍💻 Good coding practices -> Clean code, documentation, use version control systems.

🎯 Collaborate and Network -> Conferences, workshops, and meetups physically or virtually

🔌 Code Review and Collaboration -> Constructive criticism helps to identify areas for improvement and best practices.

🚀 Personal Projects -> Challenge and apply what you've learned.

Listed above are a few ways you can improve yourself as a developer.

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