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Arnaud F.
Arnaud F.

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🌲Svelte + 🍃Leaflet + 📍 Clusters

For a personal project, I had to use Leaflet with Svelte, and I faced some problems during development.

In this article, I will list each point that required finding a solution.

Integrating Leaflet into a SvelteKit project

I highly recommend that you read the article Using Leaflet with SvelteKit written by Stanislav Khromov.

He explains an effective way to add Leaflet to a project made with SvelteKit. It was my starting point in my project.

Install Leaflet.markercluster plugin

You can retrieve this plugin from its official repo on Github : Leaflet.markercluster.

I used npm to add it to my project.

npm install leaflet.markercluster
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Now, it needs to be integrated into the code of the file LeafletMap.svelte.

onMount(async () => {
    if (browser) {
        const leaflet = await import('leaflet');
        const { MarkerClusterGroup }: any = await import('leaflet.markercluster');
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Afterwards, we can declare the variable lower in the file, and add each marker to the markers element. Finally, add all the markers to the map.

// L.MarkerClusterGroup extends L.FeatureGroup
// by clustering the markers contained within
let markers = new MarkerClusterGroup();

// create feature group
// for each marker, add it to markers

// Add all markers to map
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Of course, don’t forget to add the CSS style.

@import 'leaflet.markercluster/dist/MarkerCluster.Default.css';
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Bug of icons in production environment

The Leaflet framework can give an error once the project is deployed, the path to the icon causes a 404 (not found) error. To remedy this, one of the solutions is to manually define the icon with an image available in the project’s assets.

const iconRetinaUrl = './images/leaflet/marker-icon-2x.png';
const iconUrl = './images/leaflet/marker-icon.png';
const shadowUrl = './images/leaflet/marker-shadow.png';
const iconDefault = leaflet.icon({
    iconSize: [25, 41],
    iconAnchor: [12, 41],
    popupAnchor: [1, -34],
    tooltipAnchor: [16, -28],
    shadowSize: [41, 41]
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Afterwards, you need to use the iconDefault variable in the marker definition, for example:

leaflet.marker(coords, {
    icon: iconDefault
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By using the iconDefault variable in the marker definition, you can ensure that all markers use the same default icon.

Et voilà 🎉

These are the only errors I had to correct during my development, I hope this article will be useful to you.

Top comments (2)

arnaudfl profile image
Arnaud F.

Yes, from Github issues :

fricardi profile image

Did you find the root cause for this icon issue? Seems so weird

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