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Arno Pretorius
Arno Pretorius

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Python: The benefits and limitations

Introduction to the Python programming language

It’s one of the most popular programming languages out there at the moment and still growing. Originally founded in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Python is used in a wide variety of fields, but it’s especially popular for data science and web development.

So, what are the benefits and limitations of the Python programming language?



  • It is very easy to learn (beginner friendly)

  • There is a lot of library support

  • Lots of community support

  • Open-source (freeware)

  • Excellent at scaling from simple applications to those that are more complex in nature


  • It is slower than a lot of languages because it is an interpreted programming language

  • Not a good language for mobile development and computing

  • It isn’t good at threading due to the global interpreter lock

  • It has limitations with database access because its data access layer is not very well developed

  • Memory consumption is too high, so it’s not a good choice for memory-intensive tasks

Top comments (2)

naucode profile image
Al - Naucode

Thanks, it was a good read, bookmarked, and followed!

arnopretorius profile image
Arno Pretorius

My pleasure!

I'm glad that it was of value to you!

Thank you for bookmarking my article and for the follow!

Happy learning!