1: Foundation Building
1. Week 1-2:
• Topics: Arrays, Strings
• Practice: Basic problems on array manipulation, string operations, and pattern matching.
• Resources: “Cracking the Coding Interview”, LeetCode (Easy problems).
2. Week 3-4:
• Topics: Sorting and Searching (Bubble, Selection, Insertion, Merge, Quick Sort).
• Practice: Binary search and variations, sorting-based problems.
• Resources: GeeksforGeeks, HackerRank.
Month 2: Intermediate Topics
1. Week 1-2:
• Topics: Stacks and Queues
• Practice: Problems like balancing parentheses, next greater element, queue-based challenges.
• Resources: LeetCode, GeeksforGeeks tutorials.
2. Week 3-4:
• Topics: Linked Lists (Singly, Doubly, Circular)
• Practice: Reversing a linked list, detecting cycles, merging two sorted lists.
• Resources: “Introduction to Algorithms”, Coding Ninjas DSA course.
Month 3: Recursion and Backtracking
1. Week 1-2:
• Topics: Recursion Basics, Divide and Conquer
• Practice: Fibonacci, power calculation, merge sort using recursion.
2. Week 3-4:
• Topics: Backtracking
• Practice: N-Queens, Sudoku Solver, permutations, and subsets.
• Resources: LeetCode Explore - Backtracking, HackerEarth.
Month 4: Trees and Graphs
1. Week 1-2:
• Topics: Binary Trees, Binary Search Trees
• Practice: Tree traversals (Inorder, Preorder, Postorder), Lowest Common Ancestor, Diameter of a tree.
2. Week 3-4:
• Topics: Graphs (DFS, BFS, Connected Components)
• Practice: Shortest path algorithms (Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford), cycle detection.
• Resources: NeetCode Graph Playlist, GeeksforGeeks.
Month 5: Advanced Concepts
1. Week 1-2:
• Topics: Dynamic Programming (DP) Basics
• Practice: Fibonacci, knapsack problem, longest common subsequence.
2. Week 3-4:
• Topics: Advanced DP and Greedy Algorithms
• Practice: Coin change problem, minimum path sum, interval scheduling.
• Resources: DP Tutorials on Codeforces, AtCoder.
Month 6: Mock Interviews and Optimization
1. Week 1-2:
• Topics: Hashing, Heaps, Tries
• Practice: Implementing heaps, solving problems on priority queues and tries.
2. Week 3-4:
• Focus: Mock interviews, revising weak areas, and solving timed problems.
• Resources: Mock interviews on Pramp, InterviewBit.
Daily Schedule for DSA Practice
• 1-2 Hours Daily:
• 30 minutes: Learning/reading new concepts.
• 1 hour: Solving 2-3 problems.
• Weekend: Revise concepts and attempt mock contests on platforms like Codeforces or LeetCode.
Top comments (1)
Great post. For problem-solving, I would also recommend platforms like codeintuition.io and structy.net