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Geon Hyuk Im
Geon Hyuk Im

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I'm tired of coding interviews. I don't think I will ever land a full-time software engineer job. Any pieces of advice?

TL;DR; I don't think I can be employed as a software engineer but I have no other job skills for other industries. Feels like I'm a complete failure.

I just took a Codesignal online assessment for an internship position but I could only solve the first question. I used to get like 2.5 out of 4 questions on practice exams but I couldn't come up with the solutions, so I just rage-quitted the exam and feel like I'm nothing but a failure.

I graduated with a Computer Science major from a U.S university last year but had to return to my home country due to legal issues (South Korea). Anyway, I started job hunting in Korea 2 months after graduation for entry-level software engineer positions but no luck so far. I struggled a lot with Korean high school Mathematics and never enjoyed it when I was in high school. And I screwed up the Korean university entrance exam several times because of the exam stress related to Mathematics stuff. But at the university, I had no problems getting decent grades in mathematics or computer science courses. I easily got A+ when I was studying at a Korean university, and even scored first place in some math courses among all classes when I transferred to the U.S university. But coding interviews are different stories. I solved more than 400 problems on platforms like Leetcode and others. But I still struggle with coding questions. It's like 'Why the hell I couldn't come up with the solution during the interview'.

I have ADHD and take meds for more than 10 years but it's still difficult for me to solve interview questions in a limited time. I still have nightmares of failing the exam, just like I used to have in high school.

I can easily pass the coding interviews for tier-2 companies, mostly startups, but I don't think I can be accepted to Top Tier companies like Google and Korean Big Tech companies (Kakao for instance). And even I clear the first tech interview or Online Assessment of lower companies, I get rejected during the second round because the entry-level job market is much more fucked up in Korea compared to Western countries. I asked for feedback from the companies I've been rejected a couple of times and they usually responded "You have good skills blah blah.. but we had to move on to other candidates with work experience." Yes, they just say sugar-coated responses not to make an applicant annoyed so I don't give a damn.

I don't have an extreme passion or love for coding but I somehow feel happy when I get the code working. But I'm sick of solving algorithm problems and never enjoyed it, although I had no problems with Computer Science subjects and programming stuff when I was in the university.

I regret choosing a Computer Science major when I faced reality after I graduated from the university but I have no skills related to other industries.

I have quite good but not highly gifted IQ scores ranging around 130-135 (SD 15). My teachers and professors used to tell me they think I have high intelligence but now I realized all of them were lying.

I'm trying to build a SaaS myself to make some money, but I can't think of any profitable business ideas. I have no ideas how to make living as a software engineer. Honestly, I don't want to live as a software engineer for the rest of my life forever. I planned to get employed as an engineer, have some work experience of 3 to 5 years, quit the engineering job, and start my own business. But I can't even start with the first step of my career. I really hate my ADHD.

Top comments (4)

aarone4 profile image
Aaron Reese

I feel for you and bearing in mind I have no cultural reference and thankfully don't suffer from ADHD, the issue MAY be attitude rather than aptitude. Both getting a fight or flight reaction when presented with a high pressure abstract coding problem on a deadline and how you come across in interview based on the way you have talked in your post.
Coding is a huge field and there is a worldwide shortage of people who can do it so there must be a job out there for you. Don't limit yourself to web tech and SAAS type companies; there is no shame in working for a digital agency building marketing websites or being within a company managing their jQuery based applications, building SSIS ETL jobs and automating stuff with Excel VBA. There is also embedded software and SoC (system on a chip) for use in auto industry and others (big in Korea?)
Rather than try and invent a SAAS product, just find a scratch to itch and code something that irritates you.
Here is one I always wanted to get round to... I find it hard to get time to watch live sport and my team's are often not good (J-E-T-S). If they are getting slaughtered I would rather not waste my time. I don't mind a close game or one that is exciting. I want an app where I can put in my criteria (eg win, lose by less than X or total score is greater than Y or fan rating is greater than Z) and have the app return a watch or skip suggestion without me having to check the score. Sorry of like a rotten-tomatos for sports. You could then have a social element where users can rate games or scrape match reports and use semantic analysis and machine learning to rate the games

sajjadnazaridev profile image

Hello, dear programmer

I trust you that you will reach your goal if you try

Try to think about the future with motivation and positivity and don't think negatively and badly, because if you doubt yourself and your future even a little, you will definitely fail because doubt is the beginning of failure.

So strengthen and learn the skill or language that you are interested in and don't get tired of, and try to be hopeful about the future.

Good luck :)
Your friend Sajjad

pandaboi32 profile image

hey Geon Hyuk, I'm sorry to hear that maybe try joining freelancer they have job project you can bid on to prove yourself that's my first step once I'm really good at my coding.
and i have adhd also don't feel bad, were practically bless and marked with a double standard ability to enjoy thing ppl take for granted and see things for it uniqueness that some.

asdfrwqd profile image
Geon Hyuk Im

Thanks to all! I didn't expect everyone would be this supportive. I'm frustrated now for sure, but I'm gonna start coding again!