Performance impact on Context-API?
- UI components where the context is consumed is going to be re-rendered.
- If there are 5 components are there and out of 5, 1 component is responsible for showing the counter and updating the counter. The other 4 components are just showcasing message value came from context.
So even though they are not using counter value, they will still re-render.
This will slow down our application.
When and how to use Context API?
case - 1
- If the state updates are frequent we should go with redux. (Selector) (Caching)
case - 2
- If we have state which remains the same most of the time, we can go for use context
- theme
- language Preference
case - 3
- if we wanted to use context in other places, then split it with smaller multiple contexts. In this case, re-rendering going to be reduced.
- we can combine context + useReduce, it will help us to update the value using dispatch.
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