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AI learns how to land on the moon

Welcome everyone to this post where I teach an AI how to land on the moon.

Of course I am not talking about the actual moon (although I wish I was). However, I am talking about a simulated environment instead (OpenAI's Lunar Lander Gym environment)

Reinforcement Learning

I recently came across an article about DeepMind's AlphaTensor.

You can read about it here

AlphaTensor learnt how to multiply two matrices together in an extremely efficient way, managing to complete multiplications in fewer steps than Strassen's algorithm (the previous-best algorithm).

Reading this article inspired me to read into an area of machine learning I did not know much about - reinforcement learning. DeepMind has built several other very impressive AIs, which were all trained using reinforcement learning algorithms.

What is reinforcement learning?

Reinforcement learning concerns learning the best actions to take in certain situations in an environment in order to achieve a certain goal. For example, in a game of chess, RL algorithms would learn what piece to move and where to move it, given the state of the game board and the goal of winning the game.

RL models learn purely from their interactions in an environment. They are given no training dataset with what are the best actions to take in a given situation. They learn everything from experience.

How do they learn?

An agent is anything that interacts with an environment by observing it and taking actions based on those observations.

For each action the agent takes in an environment, the agent is given a reward which indicates how good that action was, given the observation and the aim of the agent in the environment.

RL algorithms improve the performance of these agents essentially through trial and error. They initially perform random actions and see what rewards they get from them. They then can develop a policy over time based on these action-reward pairs. A policy describes the best actions to take in given situations, with the goal of the environment kept in mind.

Image description

There are several algorithms available for developing a policy.

For this project, I used a DQN (Deep Q-Network) to develop a policy.

A DQN however is not the most efficient method for the Lunar Lander environment. Since the observation space is not too large for this environment, methods involving a Q-Table would be able to train much quicker to solve this environment.

I decided to use a DQN however since I wanted to learn how they worked as they could be applied to a much wider range of environments than Q-Tables.

Q-Values and DQNs

DQNs are neural networks that take in the state of the environment as input and output the q-values for each possible action that the agent can take. It describes the agent's policy.

There is no fixed model architecture for DQNs. It varies from environment to environment. For example, an agent playing an Atari game might observe the environment through a picture of the game. In the case, it would be best to use convolutional layers as part of the DQN architecture. Using a simple feedforward neural network would work fine with other environments, such as the lunar lander environment in OpenAI's Gym.

Q-values measure the expected future rewards when taking that action, assuming that the same policy is followed in the future. When an agent is following a policy, it takes the action with the greatest q-value at the current state it's in.

The way DQNs are trained to determine accurate q-values will be explained as I go through the code.

DQNs are used when the action space in an environment is discrete i.e there is a finite number of possible actions an agent can take in an environment.

For example, if an environment involved driving a car, its action space would be considered discrete if the only actions allowed were to drive forward, turn left and right 10 degrees. Its action space would be continuous if actions involved specifying the angle of the steering wheel and the speed to travel at. This is because these can take an infinite number of values and, therefore, there an infinite number of actions.

Problem and Code

As I mentioned earlier, I am going to train an agent within OpenAI's Lunar Lander Gym environment.

Image description

The aim of the agent in this environment is to land the lander on its legs between the two flags.

The agent can take 4 actions:

  • Do nothing
  • Fire left engine
  • Fire right engine
  • Fire main engine

An observation taken from this environment is an 8-dimensional vector containing:

  • X coordinate
  • Y coordinate
  • X velocity
  • Y velocity
  • Angle of the lander
  • Angular velocity
  • 2 Booleans describing whether each leg is in contact with the ground or not

The agent is rewarded as follows:

  • -100 points for crashing
  • +100 points for coming to rest
  • +10 points for each leg in contact with the ground
  • -0.3 points for each frame firing main engine
  • -0.03 points for each frame firing a side engine
  • +100 - 140 points for moving from top to the landing pad
  • The agent is considered to have solved the environment if it has collected at least 200 points in an episode.

episode - series of steps/frames that occur until some criteria for the environment to reset has been met (episode termination)

Episodes terminate if:

  • the lander crashes
  • the lander goes out of view horizontally

Training a DQN

An agent interacts with an environment by taking actions in it. For each step in the environment, the agent records the following into a replay memory:

  • The observation it took of the environment
  • The action it took from this observation
  • The reward it gained
  • The new observation of the environment
  • Whether the episode has terminated or not

The agent has an initial exploration rate, which determines how often it should take random moves instead of taking actions from the DQN's policy.

This is so that all actions can be explored during the training phase and therefore allow the algorithm to see which actions would be best in certain situations. The DQN's initial policy is random, so having the agent follow it all the time would mean the DQN would struggle to train to develop a strong policy, since different actions haven't been explored for the same states.

The exploration rate decreases by an appropriate rate after each episode. By the time the exploration rate reaches 0, the agent will follow the DQN's policy only. By this time, the DQN should have produced a strong policy.

Q(s,a)=r+γQ(s,a)Q(s, a) = r + γ Q(s', a')

QQ is the policy function. Takes in the environment state and an action as input and returns the q-value for that action.
ss is the current state
aa is a possible action
rr the reward for taking action aa at state ss
ss' the state of the environment after taking action aa at state ss
aa' is the action with the highest q-value at state ss'
γγ is the discount rate. It is a specified constant measuring how important future actions are in the environment.

For every n steps in the environment, a random batch is taken from the replay memory.

The DQN then predicts the q-values at each state in the batch Q(s,a)Q(s, a) and the q-values at each of the new states, so that the best action at that state can be obtained Q(s,a)Q(s', a') .

For each item in the batch, the calculated Q(s,a)Q(s, a) , Q(s,a)Q(s', a') and reward values are substituted into the equation above. This should calculate a slightly better Q(s,a)Q(s, a) value for this batch item.

The DQN is then trained with the batch observations as input and the newly calculated Q(s,a)Q(s, a) values as output.

Note: calculating Q(s,a)Q(s, a) and the Q(s,a)Q(s', a') values are done by separate networks - the policy and target network. They are initialised with the same weights. The policy network is the main network that is trained. The target network isn't trained, however the policy network's weights are copied to for some every m steps in the environment.
This is done so that the training process becomes stable. If one network was used to predict both Q(s,a)Q(s, a) and Q(s,a)Q(s', a') and trained, the network would end up be chasing a forever moving target, leading to poor results. The use of the target network to calculate Q(s,a)Q(s', a') means that the policy network has a still target to aim at for a while before the target changes, instead of the target changing ever step in the environment.

This is repeated for a specified number of steps. Over time, the policy should become stronger.

class DQN:
    def __init__(self, action_n, model):
        self.action_n = action_n
        self.policy = model(action_n) = model(action_n)
        self.replay = []
        self.max_replay_size = 10000
        self.weights_initialised = False

    def play_episode(self, env, epsilon, max_timesteps):

        obs = env.reset()
        rewards = 0
        steps = 0

        for _ in range(max_timesteps):
            rand = np.random.uniform(0, 1)

            #taking a random action or the action described by the DQN policy
            if rand <= epsilon:
                action = env.action_space.sample()
                actions = self.policy(np.array([obs]).astype(float)).numpy()
                action = np.argmax(actions)

            if not self.weights_initialised:
                    self.weights_initialised = True

            new_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
            if len(self.replay) >= self.max_replay_size:
                self.replay = self.replay[(len(self.replay) - self.max_replay_size) + 1:]

            #save data into replay memory for training
            self.replay.append([obs, action, reward, new_obs, done])

            #count rewards and steps so that we can see some information during training
            rewards += reward
            obs = new_obs
            steps += 1

            yield steps, rewards

            if done:

    def learn(self, env, timesteps, train_every = 5, update_target_every = 50, show_every_episode = 4, batch_size = 64, discount = 0.8, min_epsilon = 0.05, min_reward=150):
        max_episode_timesteps = 1000
        episodes = 1
        epsilon = 1 #exploration rate
        decay = np.e ** (np.log(min_epsilon) / (timesteps * 0.85)) #how much the exploration rate should reduce each episode
        steps = 0

        episode_list = []
        rewards_list = []

        while steps < timesteps:
            for ep_len, rewards in self.play_episode(env, epsilon, max_episode_timesteps):
                epsilon *= decay
                steps += 1

                if steps % train_every == 0 and len(self.replay) > batch_size:
                    #taking random batch from replay memory
                    batch = random.sample(self.replay, batch_size)
                    obs = np.array([o[0] for o in batch])
                    new_obs = np.array([o[3] for o in batch])

                    #calculating the Q(s,a) values
                    curr_qs = self.policy(obs).numpy()

                    #calculating q-values of the "future"/new observations to obtain Q(s', a')
                    future_qs =

                    for row in range(len(batch)):
                        action = batch[row][1]
                        reward = batch[row][2]
                        done = batch[row][4]

                        if not done:
                            #Q(s, a) = reward + Q(s', a')
                            curr_qs[row][action] = reward + discount * np.max(future_qs[row])
                            #if the environment is completed, there are no future actions, so Q(s, a) = reward only
                            curr_qs[row][action] = reward

                    #fitting DQN to newly calculated Q(s, a) values
          , curr_qs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0)

                if steps % update_target_every == 0 and len(self.replay) > batch_size:
#updating target model            

            episodes += 1
            #showing some training data
            if episodes % show_every_episode == 0:
                print ("epsiode: ", episodes)
                print ("explore rate: ", epsilon)
                print ("episode reward: ", rewards)
                print ("episode length: ", ep_len)
                print ("timesteps done: ", steps)

                if rewards > min_reward:

        plt.plot(episode_list, rewards_list)
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Now that training is out the way, here is the code for the whole file.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import random
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

def build_dense_policy_nn():
    def f(action_n):
        model = tf.keras.models.Sequential([
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(256, activation="relu"),
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation="relu"),
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(64, activation="relu"),
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(32, activation="relu"),
                tf.keras.layers.Dense(action_n, activation="linear"),

        model.compile(loss=tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError(), optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(0.0001))

        return model

    return f

class DQN:
    def __init__(self, action_n, model):
        self.action_n = action_n
        self.policy = model(action_n) = model(action_n)
        self.replay = []
        self.max_replay_size = 10000
        self.weights_initialised = False

    def play_episode(self, env, epsilon, max_timesteps):

        obs = env.reset()
        rewards = 0
        steps = 0

        for _ in range(max_timesteps):
            rand = np.random.uniform(0, 1)

            if rand <= epsilon:
                action = env.action_space.sample()
                actions = self.policy(np.array([obs]).astype(float)).numpy()
                action = np.argmax(actions)

                if not self.weights_initialised:
                    self.weights_initialised = True

            new_obs, reward, done, _ = env.step(action)
            if len(self.replay) >= self.max_replay_size:
                self.replay = self.replay[(len(self.replay) - self.max_replay_size) + 1:]

            self.replay.append([obs, action, reward, new_obs, done])
            rewards += reward
            obs = new_obs
            steps += 1

            yield steps, rewards

            if done:

    def learn(self, env, timesteps, train_every = 5, update_target_every = 50, show_every_episode = 4, batch_size = 64, discount = 0.8, min_epsilon = 0.05, min_reward=150):
        max_episode_timesteps = 1000
        episodes = 1
        epsilon = 1
        decay = np.e ** (np.log(min_epsilon) / (timesteps * 0.85))
        steps = 0

        episode_list = []
        rewards_list = []

        while steps < timesteps:
            for ep_len, rewards in self.play_episode(env, epsilon, max_episode_timesteps):
                epsilon *= decay
                steps += 1

                if steps % train_every == 0 and len(self.replay) > batch_size:
                    batch = random.sample(self.replay, batch_size)
                    obs = np.array([o[0] for o in batch])
                    new_obs = np.array([o[3] for o in batch])

                    curr_qs = self.policy(obs).numpy()
                    future_qs =

                    for row in range(len(batch)):
                        action = batch[row][1]
                        reward = batch[row][2]
                        done = batch[row][4]

                        if not done:
                            curr_qs[row][action] = reward + discount * np.max(future_qs[row])
                            curr_qs[row][action] = reward

          , curr_qs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=0)

                if steps % update_target_every == 0 and len(self.replay) > batch_size:

            episodes += 1

            if episodes % show_every_episode == 0:
                print ("epsiode: ", episodes)
                print ("explore rate: ", epsilon)
                print ("episode reward: ", rewards)
                print ("episode length: ", ep_len)
                print ("timesteps done: ", steps)

                if rewards > min_reward:

        plt.plot(episode_list, rewards_list)

    def play(self, env):
        for _ in range(10):
            obs = env.reset()
            done = False

            while not done:
                actions = self.policy(np.array([obs]).astype(float)).numpy()
                action = np.argmax(actions)
                obs, _, done, _ = env.step(action)

    def load(self, path):
      m = tf.keras.models.load_model(path)
      self.policy = m
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play is the method that shows the agent in action!

load loads a saved DQN into the class

Testing it out!

import gym
from dqn import *

env = gym.make("LunarLander-v2")

dqn = DQN(4, build_dense_policy_nn())
dqn.learn(env, 70000)
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Before training, the agent plays like this...

Image description

During training we can see how it's going...

epsiode:  4
explore rate:  0.9868456446936881
episode reward:  -124.58158870915031
episode length:  71
timesteps done:  263
epsiode:  8
explore rate:  0.9661965615592099
episode reward:  -120.64909734406406
episode length:  101
timesteps done:  683
epsiode:  12
explore rate:  0.9492716348733212
episode reward:  -115.3412820349026
episode length:  103
timesteps done:  1034
epsiode:  16
explore rate:  0.9321267977756045
episode reward:  -93.92673345696777
episode length:  85
timesteps done:  1396


epsiode:  44
explore rate:  0.8147960354481776
episode reward:  -81.70688741109889
episode length:  87
timesteps done:  4068
epsiode:  48
explore rate:  0.8007650685225999
episode reward:  -134.96785569534904
episode length:  95
timesteps done:  4413
epsiode:  52
explore rate:  0.7822352926206606
episode reward:  -252.0391992426531
episode length:  117
timesteps done:  4878
epsiode:  56
explore rate:  0.7682233340884487
episode reward:  -129.31041070395162
episode length:  118
timesteps done:  5237
epsiode:  60
explore rate:  0.7510891766906618
episode reward:  -42.51701614323742
episode length:  150
timesteps done:  5685


epsiode:  200
explore rate:  0.05587076853211827
episode reward:  -100.11491946673415
episode length:  1000
timesteps done:  57295
epsiode:  204
explore rate:  0.045679405591051145
episode reward:  -107.24645551050241
episode length:  1000
timesteps done:  61295
epsiode:  208
explore rate:  0.040104832222074366
episode reward:  -16.873940050515692
episode length:  1000
timesteps done:  63880
epsiode:  212
explore rate:  0.03278932696585445
episode reward:  116.37994616097882
episode length:  1000
timesteps done:  67880
epsiode:  216
explore rate:  0.03008289932359156
episode reward:  -200.89010177116512
episode length:  354
timesteps done:  69591
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and this episode-vs-reward graph...

Image description

You might expect there to be a clearer trend showing the reward increasing over time. However, due to the exploration rate, this trend is distorted. As the episodes go on, the exploration rate decreases, so the expected trend of rewards increasing over time becomes slightly more apparent.

Here is how the agent performs at the end of the training process!

Image description

It could still do with a smoother landing, but I think this is a good performance nonetheless.

Maybe you could try this out yourself and tweak some of the training parameters and see what results they yield!

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Top comments (2)

aminmansuri profile image
hidden_dude • Edited

A Neural Network is not strictly necessary for Q functions that don't have too huge of a state space. It will always be faster to learn if there aren't too many Q values (your table is not too huge).

If you table is much too big to fit in memory, then compression techniques like Neural Nets could be better.

But for the particular Lunar Lander problem, SARSA(lambda) with CMACs and Gradient Descent will train and execute much faster. Here it's explained in detail:

In other words, NNs aren't the only way to achieve this. And it often can be much less painful to use alternative techniques if they are available.

Ps. for more general ATARI games where the inputs are actual pixels, a Q table or SARSA is just not going to work. The table would be insanely huge! So there a NN is the only way.

ashwinscode profile image
ashwins-code • Edited

Hi. Thank you for your very informative comment. Yes, I agree with you that a DQN is not the most efficient method in this scenario. However, my decision to use a neural net was purely down to the fact I wanted to learn how DQNs worked since they could be applied to a much wider range of tasks compared to using things like a Q table. Thank you for raising this point though, I will soon add a little section about it to this post.

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