let cantNoMore = false
function ride () {
console.log("take my horse to the old town road")
cantNoMore = true
while (!cantNoMore) {
const horses = {
location: "back",
tack: "attached"
const me = {
hat: "matte black",
boots: "black to match",
ridingOn: "horse"
const you = {
whip: "Porsche",
beenOfPorch: false
const cantTellMe = null
me.life = "movie"
me.cowboyHat = "Gucci"
me.booty = "Wrangler"
cantNoMore = false
while (!cantNoMore) {
const BillyRay = {
living: "like a rockstar",
spentMoneyOn: "brand new guitar",
stress: false,
like: "Marlboro man"
cantNoMore = false
while (!cantNoMore) {
I don't have a soundcloud but plz subscribe 2 this new tag.
Top comments (9)
Well shoot dang everyone already ran spellcheck and did their code reviews, what are the rest of us supposed to do, just enjoy the joke? I guess I'll do that if I must.
spent money on a brand newguidar
? I think that's a typo.This is pretty funny all the same.
This shouldn't exist, but I'm really glad you made it. Thank you
So many negatives!
lol*guitar :)
What about diamond rings and Fendi sport bras?
while (BillyRay.haircut != hairstyles.Mollet) {
I think double negatives have to be the most confusing thing I ever see in code.
// commit log: better rhyme with song
do { ride(); } while (!cantNoMore);
Omg. This made my day.