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Cmd is so annoying, so i made a new shell

Using cmd in window's for navigating in the project is so annoying, like using doskey and registry for navigating to a custom dir path and if we want to navigate to the nth parent dir in our path, we have to use cd .. for n times.

So i thought "OK, It's time to build a new shell". The main goal of this project is to overcome some of my problems faced while using window's cmd and have some fun.

First i thought of creating a GUI application with stunning UI. But i convinced myself to build a super simple console application which consume less memory and execute faster, so i opened my editor and started to write it in c++. It took me over 2 days(like 4+ hours) to build this project.


After two weeks, I thought of adding some more features(commands), so i rewrote the entire application again in golang.


Final Output:

Image description


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