This post is an extract from a post I published on my personal blog.
What's inside
- RST + Tables + Vim
- Sphinx + Tables + PDF output
- HTML Table -> RST Table
RST + Tables + Vim
I love Vim (actually, MacVim), and as soon as I started working with reStructuredText (RST) documents for the first time, I hoped to find a nice plug-in to speed up my editing. Creating tables manually was particularly painful!
Of course, someone had already figured out a solution to that... Enter Riv!
Riv is a great plug-in, with many shortcuts to make your life easier when dealing with RST files. In my opinion, the best thing about Riv is how it handles table creation. You create cells by simply pressing tab, and when you modify the content, the table automagically reshapes when you exit the edit mode.
A few shortcuts for you (on MacOS):
: move to the next celloption + enter
: create the header rowcontrol + enter
: create a new regular row

If you try Riv, don't forget to install InstantRst as well. This will enable a live preview in the browser, as you edit your document.
Sphinx + Tables + PDF output
If you write technical documentation, sooner or later you're bound to stumble on Sphinx and Read the Docs.
Tables in Sphinx can be a very frustrating thing (see above!). Sometimes you have a large table that is difficult to render with the RST syntax; in other cases, the table looks good in the HTML page but awful in the PDF output.
For those cases, I have created a short tutorial about tables with Sphinx.
One of the best options, in my option, is to work with CSV tables. You can create your table in a spreadsheet, without the need to worry about the proper formatting in RST.
To take care of the PDF output for those long tables that won't fit on a single page, you can use the longtable
class. Then, with the tabularcolumns
directive, you can control the width of the columns in your PDF.
This is a sample code snippet to render a table from a CSV file with two columns. Check the result in the tutorial.
.. tabularcolumns:: |p{1cm}|p{7cm}|
.. csv-table:: Caption of the table
:file: path-to-the/file.csv
:header-rows: 1
:class: longtable
:widths: 1 1
This approach also works if you use a grid table (the type of tables shown in the GIF above) instead of a CSV table, with the proper changes.
HTML Table -> RST Table
Speaking of tables, if you start from a table in HTML, you can use DashTable to convert it to RST.
This tool will produce for you a nice grid table that you can easily copy and paste in your RST document.
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