DEV Community

Jasper Samuel J for AWS Community Builders

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Amazon Comprehend

Insights from Documents

In the business world each and every word from the customers place a vital role in the development of the new products and improving the existing ones, in order to make this process simple and intuitive AWS launched Amazon Comprehend a service which we can use to get insights from documents, social media platforms, product reviews, support tickets etc.

Amazon Comprehend

Amazon Comprehend Logo

Amazon Comprehend is a Natural Language Processing which uses Machine Learning to collect valuable insights from the texts, we can collect the information from Customer ratings, reviews, support tickets, social media platforms, surveys etc as Comprehend provides Custom Entity Recognition we can process all the data and get Custom Classification, Key phrase Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Entity Recognition and much more


  • Custom Entity Recognition allows you to identify the domain specific terms, using AutoML Comprehend will learn from small examples and then later we can train our own private custom ML model

  • Custom Classification API enables you to build custom models using your business specific labels without learning ML, Custom Classification will automatically classify the inbound requests by problem types, it will help you monitor the website comments, customer feedback etc.

  • Entity Recognition API helps you automatically categorize the entities based on the location, date, person name etc.

  • Sentimental Analysis API will help you to get the overall sentiment of the text inbounded and targeted sentiment will provide more granular insights by identifying sentiment towards entities within text.

  • PII Identification and Redaction Comprehend ML capabilities and helps you detect the PII data from emails, product reviews, support tickets etc. you can redact the PII entities before documenting the solution, search solutions are free for PII entities.

  • Topic Modelling identifies a relevant term and topics from the collection of documents stored in S3 and map them as a group based on the relevant topic.

  • Multiple Language Support Comprehend can perform text analysis on multiple languages like German, Chinese, Hindi etc, if you want more languages support you can use Amazon Translate to translate them into the Comprehend supported languages.

  • Login into the AWS Console

Comprehend Landing Page

  • Click on Launch Comprehend

Sample Input data area

  • You can find the sample input data in the text box, click on the Analyze
  • Scroll down in the results area you can find the data get classified.

Results section

  • You can try with your own custom data and check out the result.

Top comments (2)

hasanelsherbiny profile image
Hasan Elsherbiny


jaspersamuel profile image
Jasper Samuel J
